The NSW opposition says it will not support a bill seeking to ban the wearing of burqas and other face veils in public, delivering a final blow to the hopes of its author, the conservative MP Fred Nile.
The Christian Democratic Party MP introduced the bill in the Legislative Council in June, even though the same bill had been voted down by the council in May.
Two weeks ago NSW Premier Kristina Keneally announced that Labor MPs would not support the proposed legislation, giving it no chance of success.
"Such a ban has no place in multicultural NSW," she said.
Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell said on Friday the coalition had also decided not to back the burqa ban, saying "there shouldn't be discrimination". . . .
Story continues at linked title above, and I'm sure there is more information on this bill within the Australian media.

"Bringing together the finest in Islamic clothing, East Essence is proud to serve a diverse array of customers
looking for quality and style at ultimate prices. We feature a broad variety of Indian and Islamic women’s clothing that range from conventional to cutting edge silhouettes with the finest craftsmanship."
The "Hamra Hijab" (pictured above) is on sale right now for $7.99. "Reshma Hijab" (shown below) is pictured at $6.99. These pictures are directly linked from the website.
Regular shipping to UK, US and Canada, and other international rates available as well. Looks like a broad selection of Islamic and Indian styles for men, women and children, including a lot of pretty head coverings.
I came across the EastEssence link in a short article "Muslim Hijabs: More Than Meets The Eye", some of which I include below:

"Muslim hijabs are in the news, for all the wrong reasons. Traditionally, a ‘hijab' is a term that denotes the modest dress sense as laid down by Islamic law. Some times referred to as a ‘shaylah' or ‘tarhah,' a hijab is simply a square or rectangular piece of cloth used to cover the head. The word itself comes from the Arabic word hajaba, which means "to hide from the view or to conceal." Therefore, the word hijab actually denotes a ‘physical veil' covering the head and face." . . .
"According to Islamic law, modesty in clothing is a sign of respect to God and has nothing to do with male dominance over women, submissiveness or even human rights, as some of the debate over Islamic head covering rules wrongly depicts. The fact of the matter is that Muslim communities in western countries are growing in size and presence." . . .
"Modesty does not immediately equate Muslim hijabswith blandness. While conservative colours, such as green, grey, blue, and black and white, are chosen by many, there are no rules regarding style, colour or fabric. Hijabs come in a myriad colours, besides sporting embellishments such as embroidery, prints, patterns and weaves. Fabrics range from cotton to silk and wool, thus ensuring that a hijab can be worn for comfort during times of inclement weather as well." . . .