"The head covering - Black Preaching Network"
The question was asked in this forum : "My wife is a prophetess and wants to know is the heading covering still necessary, because people come at her as though she is a muslim, but she only living according to 1 Cor 11 th chapter!"
(The picture here is from a news article from a long time ago that I liked and wanted to use. In this photo the women are wearing the "doily" style headcovering, but I know of several Christian women who use the traditional hair wrap style -- and I think it is most becoming. - LisaM)
Here is one response at the forum:
Reply by Bishop R.G.Mallory -- "The covering is appropiate however there is no need to call attention to oneself. the covering in the scripture fit with the customs of the society hence the vail. your wife can wear a hat or some kind of Scarf wrapped the way sisters wrap them and the only people that will know she is obeying 1 Cor 11 is you, her and your church family. The Doctrine of head covering is for the church not sinners therfore it should not be used as something to witness. Nor should churches grab unsuspecting visitors to make them conform. It is the Doctrine of the church for the church! why have a sinner cover her head?"
Something to think about. People do have a problem with thinking that "if a headcovering draws attention, then it goes against modesty and is unnecessary". So listen to this thought, ladies: your headcovering is not a witness. Right? How many women have said, especially as beginners, they do NOT wear head coverings to draw attention to themselves, or to proclaim that they think that they are "holier" than anyone else. So many who do not believe that the head covering is necessary bring this up. But consider - that is NOT what the Christian woman is wearing a head covering for. Many times the poor thing is embarrassed to act on her desire to be obedient to GOD because she is worried that she will cause others to think that maybe she is trying to look like she's better than they are. But the headcovering, as stated by this man so simply, is for her, for her husband, and for her church family. So think of the modesty passages in other scriptures, and dress accordingly with your headcovers - avoid the sparkles, and eye-catching colors, and wild hats, and other "frippery". And, men who believe in headcovering, please be patient with the unbelieving women. Forcing a headcovering to make someone conform is like baptizing a baby who has no choice in the matter, or feeding the LORD's supper to someone who cannot discern the body and the blood of Christ. Are you thinking, better safe than sorry? Wait a minute. You cannot save anyone. Obeying laws cannot save anyone. Give the example of the older or believing women a chance to teach the Word without a word but by the beautiful manner of their lives. (Not meaning to preach to you or judge your motives, men and women, but this is my opinion at this point; I hope you understand where I'm coming from and what I'm trying to explain, from my point of view).
Though others may not understand what the headcovering is for, pray that they find letters like this one, or any of the blogs and articles written by the Christian women who have chosen to cover their heads. It is done in obedience to GOD, in deference to their husbands and other messengers of GOD, in reflection of the creation order, in the attempt to hide their own glory of their hair when in fact the emphasis during prayer and speaking the words of GOD should be on GOD's glory.
What do you think, readers?
I agree that is only for Christian woman not for unbeliever who come for visit.
The whole "it'll draw attention to you" thing really bugs me. I see our society so undressed with women strutting around half-naked with boobs and thighs and butts hanging out everywhere. Of *course* a head covering is going to draw attention! But should a Christian/Jew/Muslim discard the head covering because our half-naked society will notice it? NO! We are not supposed to "blend in" we are supposed to be "a city set upon a hill." It's not right to do wrong in order to not to make secular unbelievers feel uncomfortable. That's not our problem. If they are made to feel guilty by looking at a modestly dressed woman then good! Maybe it'll plant a seed in their hearts and help them onto the path to God.
Good points, ladies -- I knew I loved you two! :) Thank you for stopping by again; it has been a while. I hope you are doing well!
I want to be a visible witness to Christ. The headcovering is for Him, even if my husband were not alive, or I had no earthly headship. That is why Christian behaviour has to accompany the visible sign of faith.
Excellent point!
This is one of the most beautiful explanations of the headcovering I've seen.
I had occasion to share about my headcovering on my blog recently. This is what I wrote:
I wear a simple yet fashionable headcovering. I choose to minimize it to avoid how divisive the issue can be. I don't wear one to display holiness. My heart yearns for purity and submission. The outward expression of that includes a headcovering, but is by no means wrapped up in it (no pun intended), nor in the dresses I wear.
My observation is that a headcovering is too often a focal point. Guess what? I'm the only one among perhaps 300 women attending our church who wears a headcovering, where I've been for two years. I'm very visible at my church, having roles on the drama, worship music, and dance teams, and last year I served on the Ladies Ministry Board. But I believe the effusive love I exhibit is far more visible than the headcovering, and that's what people notice. Perhaps 3 or 4 people have asked me about my headcovering, but not a single person has expressed offense or debate about it. This was not the case at my last church, which split and eventually dissolved over legalistic attitudes.
At that last church, at least half of the women wore headcoverings, and many preached about it as if the wearing of it conferred some special grace.
I've been peeking in on this blog for a little while now. I'm so grateful for this particular post.
Although Iam called to be Plain, it is not everyone's call. I would say that as long as the radiant love of Christ shows in thy face, that is the visible witness,no matter how thee intends to cover one's head and body.
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