Monday, March 10, 2008

Blogging on Making and Wearing Christian Headcovering

In my webpage link list on Christian headcoverings, I link to the article: The Woman's Head Covering, by Leonard E. Linsted. Recently, another blogger has been writing concerning the Christian woman's headcovering, and also links to that website. Sojourner in a Strange Land also posted an article called: "The Hidden Power Of A Woman" which links to another very thorough article on the Christian woman's headcovering, and beyond: by Roman Miller, taken from: Truth in Thanks for posting these links, and helping us to realize that we are all sojourning in this strange land together.

Also blogging on Christian headcovering is Blessed Motherhood, who has written and provided photos to help those who would like to make their own covering. Thank you so much for providing this helpful and easy information.

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