Here's a few posts over the past little while:
Why I Have Chosen to Wear a Head CoveringApostolic
November 5, 2008, "(posted with permission by Love4Holiness)"
Church EtiquetteCatholic
December 2, 2008, "the joy of my youth"
includes this helpful advice:
1. Women should have their shoulders, knees, and head covered while in church. However, this doesn't mean that women should wear overly baggy sweaters and shapeless skirts. It is still important to look like a woman and not a pauper. It is possible to embrace your femininity without sacrificing modesty. Head covering is preferable and not necessarily required (though this fact is debatable). It should be done with a veil (of appropriate color for your life state, etc) or a nice looking hat that is appropriate in style. Women who have never married should wear white or an ivory colored veil while married women wear black. Young girls should be held to the same standards as women to the best extent possible (ie - it may be difficult to keep a little viel on the head of a young toddler!). Also, colored veils are pretty, but look pretty juvenile on a grown woman. They look best on young girls.
Head Coverings: Should women wear them in church?Head Coverings: Should women wear them in church? (part 2)December 1,2, 2008, Reformation Faith Today
poster does not think that headcoverings are required
Head Coverings: Part 1 Geneva BibleDecember 01, 2008, Benjamin Shaw... Associate Professor of Old Testament at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
believing that headcovering is a social/cultural thing, based on understanding of the Geneva Bible and people of that culture
Q&A Fridays, Issue #46 12.04.2008, Michael Bunker, "A Process Driven Life"
"Christian Agrarian"
scroll down to the first question, does a divorced woman still need to cover her head?
includes these thoughts:
We should remember that the headcovering is not a punishment, it is a blessing and a sign of God's great order and glory. Women who veil themselves willfully out of obedience to God, find that it frees them from so many worldly errors, and gives them a sense of peace and belonging in God's kingdom. It should never be considered a burden.
Womans Headcoverings - Part 01 and Part 02By Craig Simpson, "Find the Light Study Library"
Christadelphian, podcast
On VeilDecember 05, 2008 - "Crazy Tune"
Orthodox Catholic
photos and historical references to the tradition of headcovering, including these comments:
I am not wise enough to say much about head coverings. But veil (head coverings) is a beautiful thing in my opinion. When I saw people wear head coverings back home in Indonesia, I put more respect to those women, for it gives a sign of contradiction in the world that glorify immodesty.
What Modesty Does to Your LifeDecember 4, 2008 — Anna, of "Veiled Glory"
from her video files... :)
Playing on the Edges...December 2, 2008 - "Testimony of Grace"
with photos of her pretty new wrap style :)