Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Headcoverings: Pride and/or Modesty

"Kippah-Wearing Student Told to Prove Religion"
The principal at Northwood High School told Patch that “students are asked for verification when their religious headwear is not traditional headwear that we are accustomed to seeing.” 
By Esther French, Feb. 1, 2012, in the WheatonPatch (Maryland, US)

Though not a deep or philosophical article on head coverings, it touches us all, because the situation could happen to anyone.  Others cannot see our hearts, and can only guess from our outward appearance or behaviour as to whether we really are who we appear to be, or claim to be by wearing our head coverings.

I found this quote by the student's rabbit something to step back and re-read:  “The kippah demonstrates a sense of pride in who we are and a modesty in humbling one’s self before God.” 

Do our head coverings demonstrate a sense of pride as well as a sense of modesty?  I suppose in a way they all really do.  Even though for the most part, those who cover out of a sense of modesty would rather not bring attention to ourselves (which is the opposite of modesty or humbleness), we must be strong enough to do something which others will see, whether they understand fully why we wear a head covering or not.  We have to take "pride" or at least confidence in that which we have faith to do.  Confidence is faith - it is our belief in action.  It is a hard paradox to understand and to live, but nonetheless, when we do something which shows modesty, or demonstrates humbleness - we are not living a double life or acting hypocritically.  We're actually just doing what everyone else espects, really:  we're being on the outside the same as what we claim to be.

For more thoughts on living our inner selves outwardly, see: "Media have field day with Tebow’s public displays of piety," written by the Rev. Mark S. Bollwinkel, Wednesday, 01 February 201, in the Los Altos (California) Town Crier.

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