News and Blogs of all kinds
about Head Coverings of all kinds
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Friday, February 27, 2009
Another Headcovering Voyageur
"My Headcovering Journey"
A young woman, a Catholic home schooler, writes of her learning so far, using 1 Corinthians 11, and her experiences in head covering. She also posted some pretty pictures of head coverings that she likes. Please read and be blessed by this young woman.
Hat Exhibition
Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones at the V&A
"Stephen Jones's new exhibition at the Victoria and Albert museum shows what a shame it is that millinery is a dying art"
Just something for your amusement and interest.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
"A Female Perspective"
By Devra Ferst
February 25, 2009, (issue of March 06, 2009; The Jewish Daily Forward)
Women of countless faiths and cultures cover their hair for religious reasons. While contemporary society has often tried to assign specific meaning or intention to this act of devotion, these women are rarely asked what significance their head coverings hold for them and why they choose to observe religious laws of modesty. Graduate student and photographer Michele Silver seeks to change this, through her master’s thesis and photojournalism project, “Women and Hair Covering.”
An exhibit of Silver’s work, currently on display at the Rubin-Frankel Gallery at Boston University Hillel, presents 30 photographs of Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Mennonite and Christian women who cover their hair. Slightly more than half the women pictured are Jewish, of various religious strains, reflecting Silver’s initial interest in her own community’s requirement of hair covering. This interest ultimately led her to question why numerous religions around the globe require a similar observance. “Why is hair such a big deal?” Silver asked.
The women, who are pictured primarily alone or in small groups, are captured in their homes, backyards and places of work, and in times of worship. The mundane and private nature of the locations and events convey the beauty, modesty and intimacy of each woman’s decision to cover her hair. Accordingly, the images are displayed with small placards including only the woman’s religion and location, and a brief description of what she is doing.
Silver explains that hair covering for these women is “an expression of their feelings and spirituality.
“There were different reasons why different religions cover their hair, but the feeling of faith, the feeling of modesty, the feeling of belief and of a commitment to God was universal amongst the women,” she said. “It’s not extremism, it’s not fundamentalism. This is their personal expression.” [empahsis mine - LM]
The Rubin-Frankel Gallery at the Florence and Chafetz Hillel House at Boston University, 213 Bay State Road, Boston; through March 13, Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-11 p.m.; Sat., 8:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sun., 3 p.m.-9 p.m.; free. (617-353-7634,
Monday, February 23, 2009
Should a Christian Dress Differently?
"Secret agent christians"
February 20, by Sylvia Mitchell-Sanders, Miami Spirituality Examiner
From the article:
In Christ, we are set free – free to make our own choices. However, our love for Christ should restrain just far how we go. What happens when Christians, especially the leadership, begin to look like the rest of the world around us? One response to this question was… “it is what is on the inside that matters.” True as that may be we communicate something by the way we dress.Sometimes we are afraid to stick out in a crowd, to look different. Should we be?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Jewish Woman Covers Her Hair
My Journey to Haircovering
by Linda Korn, in "The Jewish Woman"
A well written testimony of a woman who began covering her hair, and enjoys it. She begins:
"It all started in the elevator at Time Warner in Los Angeles. I had recently wed. As a traditionally observant Jewish woman, to my own surprise, I began covering my hair every day."
Her reasoning by the end:
"At first, I thought I was getting way too much attention for doing something that is supposed to be a gesture of modesty. But I soon realized that all the sincere conversation about Jewish life that emerged from simple questions about my "cool wrap" or "nice hat" provided the cross cultural forum for creating positive views of Jews, for clearing up myths about orthodoxy, for connecting with other Jews of all kinds, and for making deeper and more real connections with people in general, and most importantly for living a committed life."
Some interesting comments were written in as well.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Movement
Read or listen to Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss for more on the True Woman movement - which is of Christian women realizing the truth of the differences between men and women of God, and their desire to move toward God's plan for true womanhood.
Do a search on headcoverings (one word or two words) and read about all of the women of the world who are "re-awakening" to the design of covering their heads, or hair, while in worship, or even all the time. Notice as you walk around, or watch or read the news, how head scarves and hats are "back in" fashion. For a variety of reasons, we have a movement toward more humility and chastity and modesty among us all.
Another movement that I have noticed (and perhaps you have too) is that within the various churches, a desire to return to the simple one truth of the gospel of Christ. For examples: you find "Biblical agrarians" who wish to return to living simply in communities and with the earth, using the Bible and the "old ways" as their guides; you find huge numbers of churches forming in homes, where folks are attempting to return to the meetings of the Christians "from house to house"; you find the old, traditional, yet modernized, denominations full of folks who are questioning the modernizations, and bucking their local leaders and theologians even, in order to return to the purity of the Bible alone. Little blogs here and there that I've noticed where Protestants, Catholics and even Orthodox writers are questioning, and reasoning with the Scriptures over what the true church of Christ really is and should be as established in the Bible. In the Catholic world, for example, this means a movement of folks towards the traditional Latin masses, and all that the older traditions had established. Scores of blogs are out there about folks who are searching out and finding the Orthodox churches as the "ancient path". Women attending these services are seeking out head coverings in a variety of ways, and not just the old fashioned mantillas and "babushkas" - I trust my readers have met "Light and Good Order" for some neat examples there. (One Catholic lady writes of her journey recently here, and here, though I've read many others as well. Just notice the comments on her blog.)
Oh, yes, there's a movement or two afoot, and they all seem to be one, really: that swing of the proverbial pendulum, back from extreme liberality in doing whatever we want, toward seeking and finding out what God, the Creator and King, really said and taught his desciples to write down for us. As we seek - from atheists and agnostics to Muslims, Jews and Christians of every individual belief - we will find the One Truth that One God has written for us. As we find that feminine behaviour is more pleasing to God, we add on modest dress and head covering; or perhaps it is the reverse order. But we continually add on other things as we learn and grow, such as true love, patience, self-control and inner peace and joy that we were designed for, which shine as lights to others around us. Maybe we are all on separated paths now, but with prayer and continual seeking, I believe that many of us will find the One Path, because those who seek do find. Those who join a movement because everyone else is doing it won't, but those who are really moving ... will.
Keep reading and studying. Be encouraged. Be blessed by your choices, and be a blessing to others though those same choices.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Why Some Women Cover
I read recently in "Drawn Together by Modesty" that there had been a panel discussion about this topic, specifically dwelling on women who are religious who cover their heads or hair. A review can be found at The Daily Free Press: "Women dissect headscarves in religion", by Crystal Rim. It seems according to this article that the panel was made up of Jewish and Muslim women, but I do hope to find more information. Part of the review:
“I do like that there’s a piece of my beauty that is reserved only for my husband and my family,” Heller said. “They see me one way, and the public can’t look at me in the same way.”
Heller, Rabbi Avi Heller’s wife, said Orthodox Jewish women traditionally wear a headscarf after they are married. Similarly, the Quran states that women have to cover their faces, though it does so ambiguously.
The speakers said they found that most women who cover their hair choose to do so out of a sacred and individual conviction rather than a male-driven demand.
I also came across this short blog article, "Hijabies are misinterpreted", by "hijabgirl18":
. . . People don’t know a lot about who we really are and I think it’s up to us to educate these people about who we are and why we behave this way. You can do your part too. When anyone asks you why you wear a hijab don’t just say it’s religious headcovering, tell them why we wear it. I remember my friend asking me that question and here’s what I decided to tell her…..~~~~~~~~~~~~~” I wear it because it symbolizes me as a muslim, and protect me from the evil eyes of certain people around me. I wear it because I want people to like me for who I am and what I am capable of. Not what I dress like and look like.”
A lot of my non-muslim friends encourage me not to wear it and that I look prettier without it but I always tell them who I am and what I believe. I also tell them it’s my choice and that I believe in modest dressing.
Another good, interesting article, explaining why one woman chose to cover her head and hair, and her experiences along with a few others:
Scarf exposes Norman woman’s beliefs
Religion: Covering gives testimony to Muslim faith
How to Tie a Head Scarf

Please visit the BeauBeau "" homepage (a wealth of information and other links concerning hair loss and head coverings, including the videos mentioned), or visit the BeauBeau video channel at YouTube directly. Photo here of Susan M. Beausang wearing one of her scarfs from the website.
Fashion Statements
Photo found with the following article:
Chaste-Chic Shrouds Fashion Week
In "The Totam", by Joyce Lee, February 17th, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Why do you cover? - part 2
Posted by Muhala Akamau at "Testimony of Grace"
A lovely Christian lady sharing her walk in the Way, and her obedience to wear a headcovering, Muhala is writing a book for us - from the point of view of women for women - about this journey we make, growing in the Lord. I mentioned her (without using her name) a couple of posts ago (read part 1 here), where I also asked for those who wished to share their own stories with me and the "blog world". I hope that you all will also consider stopping by her blog and reading this article, as well as other entries about this subject. Such a small thing to raise such controvery, and such conscience!
Thank you all again for responding here on my blog with you "votes" and good comments. If you would still like to send comments on why YOU wear a covering, or clarify your chosen answers from the survey, please do so here. I would love to hear from you. If you would like to be a part of the work that Muhala is doing, please also stop by her blog and let her know.
Be encouraged, and be a blessing.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Coptic Church in the US
Oklahoma's Coptic Christians worship at Bixby
By BILL SHERMAN World Religion Writer
Published: 2/9/2009
A short article in the Tulsa World, describing the background and the modern situation of the Coptic, or Egyptian, Church in the US and in Egypt. I have not seen very much information on these churches, perhaps because of their small numbers. This is another group of Christians who follow the ancient, cross-cultural, Christian tradition of women using a headcovering. Following are the introductory paragraphs:
BIXBY — A bluish haze and the aroma of incense impact the senses of visitors who walk into a service at Oklahoma's only Coptic church, which meets here in a small building on the south end of town.
The Copts are descendants of ancient Egyptians, the race of people who lived along the Nile River, built the pyramids, and, according to the Bible, enslaved the children of Israel and provided a safe haven for Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus.
Egyptian Christians come from as far away as Oklahoma City and Arkansas for the services at Sts. Peter and Paul Coptic Orthodox Church, 17015 S. Memorial Drive.
The service is traditional Orthodox, largely unchanged for 2,000 years, with a liturgy that is overwhelmingly prayer and Scripture, all chanted.
Religious paintings called icons line the interior walls of the church building. Most of the women sit on the right, wearing white head coverings. Men sit on the left.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Why Do YOU Cover?
If you have the chance, please:
a) give a short explanation below in the comments; or
b) give a longer answer at your own blog and post your blog name here in the comments; or
c) if you already have written your reasoning or a testimony somewhere on line, please post the link to your blog or web page here in the comments; or even
d) send me a private email at the address on my "about me" page, (and let me know if it's all right to post your comments anonymously here, maybe?).
Ideally, I'd like your own personal understanding or experience, or your husband's (or parent's or daughter's), if they've written something too. But if you know of a web site or other blog page that has an answer to this question, please let me know that link as well.
I have already put together the Those Headcoverings web pages, with pages of links to permanent web sites - a page each for reasons for Christian headcovering, Jewish head covering (including men and women), Muslim head covering, other religious head coverings, and sites that provide coverings for cancer. I would like to put together a more informal listing from individuals who may have written something shorter, more concise, more informal, more personal. I know that there are others who would like to have these things all in one place.
Some of us, too, know one lady in particular who would like to put together a book for us about this headcovering journey, and I hope that your answers would also help her with her thoughts and ideas, so that she can better share this journey with others. When we write about our experiences - our doubts, our joys, our triumphs, our learnings, our changes - we connect with others, and we encourage one another in this journey that we've all undertaken (and are all at different places on). I hope that by our putting these thoughts and prayers into one place, we can truly be encouraged, and the Truth may be glorified in our small act of obedience.
Be blessed - and be a blessing to others, dear readers. Thank you.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
What Other People Think?
Study and give diligence concerning wearing something on your head. This is always the topic of the day, and here are a couple of examples of ladies thinking about why Christian ladies continue to cover, and the reasons why we do not argue with or condemn those who do not.
February 3, 2009, Grace in Bloom writes: "The Moment of Truth". Please read. And read some encouraging responses in the comments section. I am thankful as well for this lady's excellent husband.
February 3, 2009, The Days' Dewings writes: "You vs them". One lady contemplates the difference between living your convictions in your faith and imposing them on others.
I think both bloggers are encouraging me to continue walking in obedience - and to continue walking in love towards those who don't walk exactly as I do. I hope they encourage you as well.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Headcovering Explanations
"Biblical Support for the Head Covering", from the blog: "That Was Then,This Is Now... A Christian Woman’s Journey." Please also check her sidebar for more good posts on this blog concerning headcovering.
Second, a question: "Who Determines What is Cultural and What is Doctrine?", from "Voice of the Sheep" at wordpress.
If the reasons for a woman needing to cover her head were nothing more than cultural customs of the day, then why does Paul give reasons that are didactic, which means they were intended to teach and instruct truth and doctrine?
Why is this “cultural”, and allowing women to be leaders not?
A discussion by the blogger and a few readers follows.
And please read Alana's recent post: "Long Hair?", at Free To Cover. She gives her own informal answer to a question about long hair and the head covering, and also has a discussion with another lady about these things in the comments. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Alana. :)
Be discerning. Be encouraged.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Head Coverings In the News
SIKH head covering
USMLE Changes Turban Search Policy
Friday 30th of January 2009
The Sikh Coalition
The Panthic Weekly
Philadelphia, PA - The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) has agreed not to ask Sikh examinees to remove their turbans for security screenings at test centers. The Sikh Coalition applauds the NBME for understanding and responding to the concerns of the Sikh American community.
MUSLIM head covering
The Fuss About Covering Up
Published On Sunday, February 01, 2009
The Harvard Crimson
In December 2008, Judge Keith Rollins’ arrest of Lisa (Miedah) Valentine at the Douglasville Municipal Court for wearing her hijab, a religious covering, sparked national debate over whether or not Muslim women and others should be allowed to wear their symbols of faith in the courtroom. As absurd as it is that this kind of debate even occurs in the United States—a country supposedly founded on the principle of religious freedom—the real issue at hand is not one of mere “tolerance.” Valentine and others’ right to wear religious head coverings in public should not even be a point of contestation.
MUSLIM head covering - Niqab/face covering
Order to take off niqab pits law against religion
Woman to appeal ruling forcing her to unveil face in sexual assault trial
Feb 02, 2009
Betsy Powell
The Toronto Star
A judge has ordered a Toronto woman to testify without her niqab at a sexual assault trial – raising the thorny issue of whether Muslim women should be allowed to appear as witnesses wearing a veil that covers everything but the eyes.
The issue is a collision of two rights, pitting religious freedom against the right of a defendant to face an accuser in open court.
See also:
Muslim woman must testify without veil: Ont. judge.
By Matthew Coutts, National Post, February 2, 2009
OPINION: Veils and justice
Faisal Kutty,, Feb 04, 2009
Once again, please note, face covering is not the same as head covering, even when done "for modesty's sake". Only the use of a large head covering material to cover one's chest area is asked for in the Quran. These stories are important because they touch people's opinions on the definition and the value of religious freedom versus the value of "the law is the law".
PAGAN head covering
(I hardly ever hear about these head cover-ers, so when I saw this in the news, it piqued my interest again. I still am not sure the reasoning behind their coverings; if you know, please post a comment below.)
Into the light: Pagans observe passing of winter, impending spring
By Lindsay Melvin (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal
Monday, February 2, 2009
From the article:
Wiccans, Druids, Asatru and Shamans displayed their diverse spirituality with Scottish kilts, Egyptian symbols and Native American names.
In a velvet cape with a red veil of hair covering one eye, Midtowner Trena Poland identified herself as a Druid.
"Half the time I get 'Oh, you're Jewish.' And the other times I get 'Oh, you're a Satan worshiper,'" she laughed.
An encore performance for hat?
From News Services
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Aretha Franklin’s inauguration hat —- the one with the heroic bow —- may be on its way to the Smithsonian Institution.
Let us not be among the "silly women", who are "always learning, and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." But let us be discerning and thoughtful, in this world where everything is made into a shade of mushed up gray, knowing why we do what we do, and able to give an answer to those who ask of us.