I've added a poll/survey to the right hand of the blog, asking for your simple answer to why you chose to cover. Please, even if you've never read this blog before, leave your answer. Multiple reasons are accepted in this poll. (I realize that my simple choices here are very simple. For example, submission can mean obedience to God, or submission to your husband. Reverence can mean for God, for the place of or the act of worship, or something else. Please feel free to clarify what you chose in the comments below.)
If you have the chance, please:
a) give a short explanation below in the comments; or
b) give a longer answer at your own blog and post your blog name here in the comments; or
c) if you already have written your reasoning or a testimony somewhere on line, please post the link to your blog or web page here in the comments; or even
d) send me a private email at the address on my "about me" page, (and let me know if it's all right to post your comments anonymously here, maybe?).
Ideally, I'd like your own personal understanding or experience, or your husband's (or parent's or daughter's), if they've written something too. But if you know of a web site or other blog page that has an answer to this question, please let me know that link as well.
I have already put together the Those Headcoverings web pages, with pages of links to permanent web sites - a page each for reasons for Christian headcovering, Jewish head covering (including men and women), Muslim head covering, other religious head coverings, and sites that provide coverings for cancer. I would like to put together a more informal listing from individuals who may have written something shorter, more concise, more informal, more personal. I know that there are others who would like to have these things all in one place.
Some of us, too, know one lady in particular who would like to put together a book for us about this headcovering journey, and I hope that your answers would also help her with her thoughts and ideas, so that she can better share this journey with others. When we write about our experiences - our doubts, our joys, our triumphs, our learnings, our changes - we connect with others, and we encourage one another in this journey that we've all undertaken (and are all at different places on). I hope that by our putting these thoughts and prayers into one place, we can truly be encouraged, and the Truth may be glorified in our small act of obedience.
Be blessed - and be a blessing to others, dear readers. Thank you.
I wrote my reasons here not long ago. There are two things. would add to that now. I selected "fashion" in the poll, because I chose the type of covering based on the fact that I thought it was prettiest, though my reasons for covering in the first place were not fashion-related. Also, a bonus reason for continuing is that I have found I am more confident when I am covered. These are both minor reasons, however, and the post I linked explains my main reasons better.
When my husband and I became Christians, my husband encountered 1 Cor. He then asked me to wear a head covering to church and during private prayer. I didn't mind covering my head during private prayer but balked at wearing a head covering to church. My husband insisted and I relented in part listening to him and in part because of the peace I encountered during private prayer with my head covered. Thereafter I and our daughters wore head coverings to church.
Many years later my husband became convicted from reading 1 Peter and insisted that not only was I to call him master but I was to wear a head covering whenever feasible. When at work I wear a baseball cap or hardhat (master and I work in construction) and at home I wear a kerchief or an elasticized head scarf. Master and I believe that Paul's admonition to modesty means that my dress, including head covering, should not stand out from the dress of the general population. In other words I don't wear a religious uniform even though when not at work I will be found wearing a head covering and longish skirt! I wear the clothes master picks out for me and am amazed by the number of compliments I receive from various strangers I happen to meet.
Not long ago master and I were having a coffee when the waitress came up to us and said that she could see how much we were in love. It turns out that she too is Christian and we hope that she too will see the need for wifely submission and head covering.
She has a bit of a head start from her being raised in Korea where, she says, women defer to men.
I wear headcovering only in prayer... usually during the weekend all the time if I am more in the Word and prayer... for me covering is sign of submission to God and of acceptance of God's order...
See the sidebar at www.freetocover.blogspot.com
These are all of my posts having to do with headcovering...
Convicted by the Ruach HaKodesh - very gently!
I have a tag on my blog at littlestepshome.blogspot.com
I started writing about why today and it quickly turned into something else - my discomfort at being perceived as part of a movement. I only 'cover' at the Liturgy so I put 'other' but it could also have been 'reverence'.
I wrote about my reasons on my blog. The link is in the sidebar on the right.
I am a single Christian woman, and cover my head in submission to God and in an act of obedience to Him. It is only in the past few weeks that I have been covering my head during prayers, so I am very interested in the reasons listed here on this site.
For three years I have kept a rule of modesty in my dress, again, I feel, in obedience to God. I am a sinner and used to use my dress and my body through flirtation and manipulation to tempt and entice men, to get them to do what I wanted, and I took a lot of pride in my body. So, keeping a rule of modesty keeps me from being tempted by pride in the way that I look, and also keeps me from tempting my brothers in Christ.
With the head covering, for me it is an entirely different experience. During prayers, I feel great unworthiness in approaching the throne of Christ, with full knowledge that I am a sinner and that, by myself, I am unable to approach God. But, also with the knowledge that through Christ and His sacrifice I am able to approach and enter into communion with the Trinity. I feel a *compulsion* to cover my head during prayer and during church services as an act of humility and unworthiness at approaching God. For without His sacrifice and the work He has done in my life I would be unable to do so.
I never paid attention of 1 Cor. and was taught growing up that that rule applied only to First century Christians and was outdated, but now, I feel that this is an act of obedience that is being asked of me by the Lord. So it was a very personal decision on my part.
Hi - LisaM here. I am so glad to read your notes and your posts, everyone! I am not able to respond to everyone individually, but I want you all to know how good it is that you have shared with me. I am just sure that there are others reading your thoughts here who are also being encouraged to walk in obedience to the LORD of lords and in submission to the order and design of things created by the King of kings. I often feel unworthy to just tell anyone what they "ought" to do, but when we obey the words of Christ and his appointed apostles when they tell us what we ought to do, we really are blessed and are a blessing to others.
See my blog at whycover.wordpress.com.
Fashion & modesty for me. I started wearing snoods because I like how they look, but it turns out that in combination with my usual long skirts, it means I get fewer catcalls and remarks from men on the street, and I'm happy of that.
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