Thursday, May 28, 2009

Covering Your Head is Good for You

Summer time in the Northern Hemisphere is upon us, and as usual people need to be reminded to cover up, to protect our bodies from the sun, and especially our heads. Interesting how a spiritual or religious tradition can have "side benefits," eh?

From "10 Healthy Lifestyle for Reducing Your Risk of Many Cancer," in

Be aware of affects of the sun. Sun exposure can cause skin cancer. Many seniors believe that after years of sun exposure, they no longer require protection from the sun. Proper sun protection at any age is important for cancer prevention. Children, older and younger adults should wear sunscreen during time spent in the sun, protective eyewear (UV sunglasses), and head coverings like hats. It’s also important that individuals remain aware of any changes to their skin, like moles or other marks, and discuss any changes to skin conditions with a doctor immediately.

You may remember that before the days of sunglasses, all that folks had to block the sun from their eyes was a head covering of some sort. Hence the reminder by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11 for the Christ-following men to remove their headgear when they come inside to pray or prophecy, and so directly reflect the image and the glory of the Christ.

I sometimes wonder why folks insist these days on the desire to keep their heads uncovered, when it's good for you in so many ways? It's not just an ancient tradition with no principle, after all.

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