Friday, May 22, 2009

Is Hijab Headcovering Really Islam?

Found article in "hijabwoes.blogspot", explaining the basic clothing rules as found in the Quran. Read the article as transcribed here:

"A Must Read"

Taken from
Regarding The Dress Code for Muslim Women
Quran is very clear about the dress code for the believers. Innovations and fabrication intorduced Hijab (veil) to Islam (submission.) Hijab (veil) is a traditional, not religious head cover that dates back to ancient civilizations, and is not supported or advocated by the Quran.


MLL said...

Excuse me while I roll my eyes. Not at you for posting -- just "Qur'an only" movements are not an authoritative source to turn to for "what is and is not really Islamic." They do their own thing, but as the incredible vast majority of Muslims recognize the sunnah as an authentic source of religious instruction, what those who reject it think borders on the irrelevant.

Coolred38 said...

I find it interesting that sheep will follow the leader over a cliff without a seconds hesitation because that is simply what sheep do....they do not stop and think for themselves.

Not because a majority of people say something is true means that it is true...I do recall a certain famous fellow who declared the earth was round...but all the smart people (religious and rich) declared him blasphemous and threatened him with death unless he recanted his claim. (google is you want to know his name) So, who was right in this instance...the sheep who threatened death to the one person who decided to view the evidence and make an informed decision...or the individual who saw the cliff and hit the breaks?

Just my two cents. The crowd is not always right...and everyones opinion is least to them. Such superior thoughts do not a humble person make.

regardless of whether or not you agree with what is written in that article...the fact that they use the Quran to prove their points should mean know THE QURAN...the book this religion is supposedly based on...sheesh!!! So to kick their opinions into the dirt and say it is just irrelevant is really...seriously...sad and pathetic...whose opinion counts more...imams, clerics, sahabas etc...or the voice of God speaking from the Quran? Very sad indeed.

nice blog btw

UmmZaynab said...

This organization is a widely-recognized heretcal cult with very few followers. They are a group that advocates following and deriving laws ONLY from the text of the Qur'an itself without relying on any of the supporting materials that are necessary to understanding the context of the Qur'an. The Qur'an is not like the Bible-- the Bible has the history of what was going on, who was doing what, etc., etc., and then goes on to say "and then God said..." but in Islam we wanted to keep the actual words of God separate frm the words of people, so only the "God said..." part is in the Qur'an but not the rest. Thus, reading the Qur'an is like reading only one half of a conversation. You're not always sure what is being referred to in any particular verse. This is why the "Qur'an only" sect is not a mainstream sect that represents any significant number of followers.

That said, the Qur'an itself is quite clear on the headcovering issue and uses the words "jilbab" and "khimar" to describe the specific type of headcovering recommended (these words had specific meanings in classical Arabic, slightly different from their modern-day meanings) and those who say that the Qur'an only says to be "modest" are being extremely disingenuous.

Hope that explains things. Love your blog and hope to see more on cross-cultural types of headcovering.