News and Blogs of all kinds
about Head Coverings of all kinds
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Blog owner away...
News is always happening and people are always talking about head coverings - all over the world. Funny, just a piece of cloth raising such a ruckus.
Be encouraged!
Identification Despite Headcovering
"To make matters easier for religious Israelis, women will not be required to remove their head covering for photographs. "
Praying that this will not become another matter of argument in the region.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Covered Female Police Officers
"... The £13 headscarves are embroidered with the West Country force's name and logo, and come in two colours — black for police officers and blue for community support officers. A spokeswoman insisted that they were not intended purely to cater for Muslim cultural sensibilities but were multi-faith.
" "They are designed to be used in any place of worship and can be used to cover the head or the shoulders. For example, plain clothes officers could use them to cover their shoulders in a Catholic Church, or they can be used to cover the head in synagogues," she said."
"The Metropolitan Police, the largest and most diverse UK force, said that it issued headscarves to its Muslim female officers but not to non-Muslim officers." "We have had these scarves for Muslim female officers for some time, but as far as officers going into mosques — if it was appropriate for them to wear a scarf they would do that. But I don't think there are any plans to issue 15,000-odd officers with a headscarf," a Met Police spokeswoman said."
As usual, the comments in any of these news stories or blog entries are replete with ignorant comments about Muslims or Islam, the (name your) government, "sensibilities" and "bending over backward," and even about headcoverings among professed Christians (whom - I need not remind anyone here - should have NO problem covering up in a church of any kind, as head covering is highly "recommended" by the Apostle of Christ Himself, Paul/Saul). So, if you reading these things doesn't make you want to post a corrective comment yourself, as always, keep to reading the articles only.
Simple and Modest Christian Headcovering
Monday, July 27, 2009
Head Bands Illustrations

"" offers links to this, and other how-to-make articles, for folks interested in making a smaller head scarf/wrap, here: "Tutorial: Ruched bandeau hair wrap" (photo from "allaboutyou")
In other fashion news ~ "How to wear a scarf - headband", from This short article links back to their "Style 101: How to wear a scarf", which includes the links to various types of scarf wearing other than for head wear. For the up to date and trendy. (photo from the webpage linked here)
Head Covering in Gaza
Here is what I could find as apparent fact in the
"... Gaza's judicial authority, which runs the strip's courts on behalf of Hamas, recently ruled that all female attorneys must wear the traditional Muslim head covering, the hijab, and wear dresses during court appearances. The ruling was condemned by the independent lawyers association.The Huffington Post also reports:
"Supreme Court chief justice Abdul-Raouf Halabi said yesterday that female lawyers will be required to wear a headscarf and a long, dark colored cloak under their billowing black robes when the court returns from its summer recess in September."
"...The Hamas government formally says it is not imposing Islamic law on the territory's 1.4 million residents. Instead, it says it is simply ensuring that residents behave in line with the territory's own conservative culture.
"Most women already wear the headscarf, and life in the Mediterranean strip comes to a complete standstill on Fridays as men gather for communal prayers in mosques.
"Subhiya Juma, a female lawyer, said the judge's decision would affect only 10 or so lawyers – since the vast majority of the 150 registered female lawyers already cover their hair.
"Juma, who does not wear a headscarf, said the point wasn't the number of women, but that freedoms were being eroded."
I also came across a very interesting and heart touching blog called "Walking Through Gaza with Alice Walker". (Please understand, if you choose to read the full article, that the poet/author is on the side of anti-war and anti-terrorism, not anti-Jew or even anti-Israeli, as far as I can tell.) In the reading, the writer makes these short observations on the subject of the head covering:
"... But before we talk about hatred I want to know about headscarves. What’s the deal about wearing the scarf? Why do so many women wear it? I am told something I’d never considered: in desert countries most of one’s hydration is lost at the back of the neck, which can quickly lead to heat stroke, so a headscarf that wraps around the neck is essential to block this loss. The top of the head is covered because if a woman is living a traditional life and is outside a lot, the sun beats down on it. This causes headache, dizziness, nausea, stroke, and other health problems. In Gaza, one of the women pointed out, there were many women who did not wear scarves, primarily because they worked in offices. This was true of the women in whose home we were sheltered. They seemed to own a lot of scarves that they draped about themselves casually, just as my friends and I might do in the United States.
"Because I had shaved my head a week or so before going to Gaza, I understood exactly the importance of the headscarf. Without a covering on my head I could not bear the sun for more than a few minutes. And, indeed, one of the first gifts I received from an anonymous Palestinian woman was a thick black and red embroidered scarf, which I wore everywhere, gratefully.
"Our host told us a story about the uglier side of the headscarf business: On the first day of bombing she was working downstairs in the basement and wasn’t aware that her apartment building was next to one that was being shelled. When the policemen came to clear her building, and she stepped out of the elevator, one of them, a political and religious conservative, was taken aback at the sight of her bare head. So much so that instead of instantly helping her to a shelter, he called a colleague to come and witness her attire. Or lack thereof. He was angry with her, for not wearing a headscarf, though Israeli rockets were tearing into buildings all around them. And what could we do but sigh along with her, as she related this experience with appropriate shrugs and grimaces of exasperation. Backwardness is backwardness, wherever it occurs, and explains lack of progressive movement in afflicted societies, whether under siege or not."
Head covering sign of respect
"Female police officers in Avon and Somerset will be issued with head coverings to be used in places of worship to improve Muslim relations.
"Female officers will wear uniform-issue head coverings when they are on duty and entering places of worship.
"The head coverings were produced after the force worked with the Mosque Initiative and the Aklima Initiative."
What do you think?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Discussion of Jewish Head Covering
I am not familiar with many of the terms and arguments concerning the different forms of and reasons for head covering among followers of the Jewish traditions, so discussions like these are interesting. As always, if you have any insight or comments, please feel free to add them below.
Follow up - Georgia Court Rules Headcoverings OK
By Jay Black; July 25, 2009
(WSB Radio) The Judicial Standards Council has voted in favor of new policy to balance security concerns with a person's right to practice religion in a public place.
The decision comes seven months after a Douglas County woman was ordered in contempt of court after she refused to remove her head scarf while she accompanied her nephew to court. Lisa Valentine tells Channel 2 Action News, who is Muslim, wears her head covering for religious reasons.
. . .
The story made national headlines and attracted attention from several civil rights groups.
The new policy, which takes effect immediately, requires a search of a person wearing a head covering for medical or religious reasons. The individual can have the inspection performed by a same-sex officer conducted in a private area. The person is then allowed to put his or her head covering back on following the investigation.
Stories covering this are all over the internet. Some articles place the word "Muslim" in the title, as the description of the allowed headcoverings, but please note, this ruling applies to all religious reasoning as well as those covering for health reasons.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Headscarves for Babies
Why baby headcoverings? The website lists these reasons:
* They Look Great ~ they give ordinary baby duds that extra little something
* They Stay On ~ babies that tear off hats, constantly keep them on because they can't see the brim
* They are Soft and Comfy ~ no rough or scratchy Velcro
* They Support Children in Need ~ 25% of our Proceeds go directly to Children who need help
* They Prevent Sun Exposed Scalps in the summer and keep heat in during winter. Extreme weather can be dangerous for infant scalps and a WWooBie™ stays in place even on the playground!
Those photos are also directly from the website, which has a whole photo gallery for more examples of what they're talking about.
Follow up Discussions About Muslim Headcovering
"Beyond Mini-Skirts and Veils," at "KABOBfest" includes some interesting points in the overall discussion of women wearing a headcovering in a secular society, especially in the light of the stance of French government.
Being informed is good for us.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Afghan Star, the Documentary
But in some parts of the world, a simple choice viewed as wisdom in dressing modestly according to tradition and religious understanding has become a compulsion and an order, giving some credence to the idea that all headscarves are somehow oppressive. In Afghanistan, a country torn by war and tradition and different interpretations of religious duty, a pop-star television show apparently made big news. In one part of the phenomenon, one of three women who competed on the show had her head scarf fall off during her performance, making her a criminal target to certain parts of the country's population, even while she was becoming a champion for other parts of society there.
Watch the trailer on YouTube HERE, or visit the official website HERE.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Investigating Christian Head Covering
Thursday, July 16, 2009
French, German Law in Oregon?
Thing is, the religious folks who would wear a headcovering are probably not the ones that will want to read the "homosexuality is just a different lifestyle" books to the 1st graders, which is completely acceptable and pushed in the West, but they will probably, by law, read them anyway. After all, as the powers that be claim, books like this do not "press" a child into accepting a certain behaviour, but simply let them see that it is an alternative lifestyle.
But those headcoverings - without a book open or a word said - will damage our youth somehow?
As long as "religious apparel" does not harm anyone (like some piercings, tattoos, high heels, flip flops, or guns, for example, do) - why is it banned?
I've read where some folks think that it's the conservative Christians doing this - that we want our freedom of religion at the expense of others' freedom. NO! I want to be free to wear my headcovering to work or to school too, as well as my modest clothing, or my right to take time out to pray during the day if I feel it's important for me or someone else to do, for spiritual reasons. I want teachers to have the right to have their Bible at their desk, if they choose to read it during their off time for a spiritual uplift. If the secular folks and the religiously soft who cave to the secularists make up rules to ban anything that looks "religious" in a public school, IT AFFECTS ALL OF US.
Oh, grrr. I think I'm going to go clean something.
"National Sikh Organization Rejects 'Gaping Hole' in Oregon Discrimination Bills",
"Oregon Law to Discriminate against Headcovering Teachers", in Opinion Ate It at blogspot, with links and other information
~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE, reporting the peaceful protest and a little history:
Practical Headcovering
Simple questions, plain answers, a couple of illustrative photos accompanying, and some discussion on reasoning too
Also, this sweet story in one of the posts:
I am not a 'headcoverer' but have a story I'd like to share:
My DD (6yrs old) was misbehaving in Mass one Sunday while my DH was lectoring. I asked her quietly to be quiet and sit still. She didn't listen. So I whispered to her and said, "why can't you be good like those girls in front of you?" There were some girls ahead of us who are very well behaved and wear the mantillas. SO she says to me, "That's because they are 'little Mary's' and I'm not a little Mary!" I said to her, "What's a 'little Mary?" She says, "that's what those girls are!" (in her snooty voice!) So after Mass, I asked her why they were considered 'little Mary's' and she was not. She said to me, "Because mom, they wear those things on their head and I don't have one." I said, "So if you wear one of those you will behave?" She says, "yes mom, I promise" So I bought her one and had it blessed. She wore it and I'm not kidding, she's been behaving very well ever since. A friend of mine said, "I think I'll go buy them for the whole family, even the boys!" LOL!! (she was kidding of course).
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
What I wore today

Just so you know. :) - LisaM
(image from
PS - I for one thought Michelle Obama looked very sweet and respectful when she met the Pope.

Christian Women - Equal and Different
"A Look at Women's Ordination"
Daniel Townsend, Jackson Presbyterian Examiner
Nazareth College (NY) Presents Hats of the World
ROCHESTER, NY (07/10/2009)(readMedia)-- Nazareth College's Center for International Education (CIE) presents Hats of the World, an exhibit in the Lorette Wilmot Library on the Nazareth College campus. 20 hats representing 16 countries, ranging from Afghanistan to Ukraine to Kazakhstan and Turkey, will be on display from July 14 - August 30. There will be an opening reception on Thursday, July 15 from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Guests are invited to wear their favorite hats. Both the opening reception and exhibit are free and open to the public. For more information, e-mail Patricia Hans at or call (585) 727-7948. Nazareth College is located at 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. 14618.
The CIE developed this exhibit because of the myriad of hats received as gifts from students and visitors from around the world. "Many of the hats are more than mere head coverings. They have significant political and social implications," said George Eisen, associate vice president for academic affairs and executive director of the CIE. "Hats can announce a person's politics, religion, and/or social status. Hats are a revealing part of the cultural history of our world. Hopefully, this exhibit will give visitors some inkling of that history."
. . . News from Nazareth College
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
"martyr of the head scarf"
"Headscarf Martyr Marwa Sherbini Mourned In Egypt"
by Maggie Michael, in the, July 6, 2009
"CAIRO — Thousands of Egyptian mourners marched behind the coffin of the "martyr of the head scarf" on Monday _ a pregnant Muslim woman who was stabbed to death in a German courtroom as her young son watched.
"Many in her homeland were outraged by the attack and saw the low key response in Germany as an example of racism and anti-Muslim sentiment.
"Her husband was critically wounded in the attack Wednesday in Dresden when he tried to intervene and was stabbed by the attacker and accidentally shot by court security.
. . . "
One crazy "lone wolf" man has learned to identify a head scarf with terrorism. How many more feel the same way as he, and have not taken up a knife yet? Sikh men have been killed by those isolated lone killers who thought that their turbans represented a militant, terrorist Muslim that they saw on TV. What is in store for women who choose to cover?
Found this story at "Hegab Rehab."
Encouraging Christian Women to Cover

I have been away and hadn't been able to keep up with this blog, or I would have posted this link sooner. I wanted to write some "great" thing about her post, but I will let her words speak for themselves. For those of my readers who don't know her, this lady has written a book for Christian women and headcoverings, using comments and testimonies from many ladies here in the blog world. We all need encouragement to walk the narrow path, especially when so many well meaning followers of Christ tell us that it's all right to not be so zealous in our obedience. Keep up the good words, Muhala. And, everyone, keep up the good works, which we were created to do.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
International Day of Christian Veiling
Grace and peace in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I'm so glad to speak with you! I hope I find you well and safe in God's keeping! I just wanted to let you know of an exciting opportunity that you may want to mention in your blog as I'm trying to get the word to everyone that I can. By the grace of God, I came up with an idea to help Christian sisters who believe and are convicted of the Biblical practice of head covering/veiling, but feel restricted for whatever reasons and are uncomfortable doing so. Maybe because of family or spouses that disagree, or societal stigma, or whatever the issue may be. I thought that if they had a special day to be encouraged and feel safe that it would help them step out boldly in their convictions. So I have decided to call it the International Day of Christian Veiling where any Christian woman convicted of covering can do so boldly and confidently knowing that all over the world on that same day sisters are covering with them and showing the world that we Christian woman are proud of our submission and modesty. The idea was introduced in Yahoo Answers and received no love, even from a Christian woman who claims to practice covering! I felt, Ms. M, that since you too have the conviction and have so boldly been leading the way in encouragement for sisters and women of other faiths, that maybe you see this cause as a worthy and sincere cause and perhaps would help with the promoting of the idea.(?) Last week I spoke to a dear sister who is so heartbroken because her loved one is absolutely against her desire to cover. Some months ago, I befriended a girl who's mother threatened her because she wants to cover at all times and not just in church. Therefore not only do I believe this is needed for these sisters, but for their opposition as well as I believe a united front of strong, God-fearing women can help them see that their is nothing to fear and that we just wish to express our faith in God's Holy Order! Whatever your choice, I want to THANK YOU for your blog and many encouragements first of all, and second, for considering this proposition at all. God bless you and keep you and continue in the good fight of faith. Thank you so, so much.
"Modest Fashion Cents" posted a link in a comment below, which can be found also by clicking here: "International Day of Christian Veiling - Logo".
Thank you so much for jumping in and getting things started, Modest F.C.! And thank you, as well, Shelly and Ahavah, for your kind words. Let us encourage one another.