Thursday, July 16, 2009

French, German Law in Oregon?

New upcoming rules in Oregon (in the liberal, open-minded northwestern US) have some folks wondering what's going on. Apparently, the rule will be (or at least includes the concept) that you cannot, in Oregon, refuse work to someone because they choose to wear religious head coverings. Fair, right? . . . EXCEPT if you are a public school teacher. Apparently if a little kid sees a man in a Sikh turban or a lady in a headscarf they will be oppressed into joining some other religious background at the mere sight?

Thing is, the religious folks who would wear a headcovering are probably not the ones that will want to read the "homosexuality is just a different lifestyle" books to the 1st graders, which is completely acceptable and pushed in the West, but they will probably, by law, read them anyway. After all, as the powers that be claim, books like this do not "press" a child into accepting a certain behaviour, but simply let them see that it is an alternative lifestyle.

But those headcoverings - without a book open or a word said - will damage our youth somehow?

As long as "religious apparel" does not harm anyone (like some piercings, tattoos, high heels, flip flops, or guns, for example, do) - why is it banned?

I've read where some folks think that it's the conservative Christians doing this - that we want our freedom of religion at the expense of others' freedom. NO! I want to be free to wear my headcovering to work or to school too, as well as my modest clothing, or my right to take time out to pray during the day if I feel it's important for me or someone else to do, for spiritual reasons. I want teachers to have the right to have their Bible at their desk, if they choose to read it during their off time for a spiritual uplift. If the secular folks and the religiously soft who cave to the secularists make up rules to ban anything that looks "religious" in a public school, IT AFFECTS ALL OF US.

Oh, grrr. I think I'm going to go clean something.

"National Sikh Organization Rejects 'Gaping Hole' in Oregon Discrimination Bills",

"Oregon Law to Discriminate against Headcovering Teachers", in Opinion Ate It at blogspot, with links and other information

~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE, reporting the peaceful protest and a little history:


Anonymous said...

Thing is, the religious folks who would wear a headcovering are probably not the ones that will want to read the "homosexuality is just a different lifestyle" books to the 1st graders,

The population of headcovering women is move diverse than you might think. I, for one, have no problem with this.

Michelle Maddocks said...

Thanks, Anon. Your point is well taken. Seems I can be just as guilty of putting people into a stereotype as anyone else when I get emotional. Hoping others who read this read your comment too.

Lucy said...

"But those headcoverings - without a book open or a word said - will damage our youth somehow?"

This is because a covering is an instant testimony.

Stacy K. said...

Wow, thanks for posting this. I just moved to Oregon and cover part-time. I'm not a teacher, but will still see what can be done to close this gap in the legislation.

Unknown said...

Thanks dear covering Sister :) we have to stick together you know!

We appreciate having the word put out more about this issue.

Hopefully everyone who is outraged at this will write the governor. Even those who are not Oregon residents. It can't hurt to send him an email saying "Hey, Wisconsin wouldn't oppress teachers like that!"

Thanks again! We need it to be known that truly it is a civil rights issue and some people just want to teach and care for youth. It doesn't mean they're out proselytizing.

Anonymous said...

This type of thing grieves me no end; the proponents of 'liberal tolerance' in all Western nations are guilty of the most extreme hypocracy; tolerance extends in only one direction - their direction - with anything else treated with the most aggressive intolerance imaginable. Do they see how farcical such 'freedom' is? 'freedom to follow their interpretation of tolerance or none at all. When one presents this to them, rather than considering it with logic and intelligence, they become agressive and hysterical. All covering sisters and brothers, be they Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh or Pagan (I know of pagans who cover and dress modestly out of respect toward their deyities), must unite to overturn such invasive and hypocritical legislation wherever it may spring up.

So, sisters and brothers, wear your coverings with faith and be proud of what they represent.

Renee said...

I feel the same way as the poster of the second anonymous post! It very much urks me too that these "liba-Nazis" (acknowledging that there are liberals who are not like this) only see tolerance as something they should extend to select groups!

On the flip side of this too - I have the right to disagree! I don't need to be "tolerant" of the idea that homosexuality is just some other lifestyle. I have the right to voice my moral convictions in saying that this "lifestyle" is a perversion of what was meant to be.

It's not that I hate gay people. I know a lot of homosexuals who are trying to get out of that lifestyle. I also know some who are sold on this idea that they were "born that way". I may disagree with them; but I'm not out there causeing anyone physical harm, destroying their property or verbally harrasing people. If they are so insecure that they have a problem with my disagreeing well, I know a good psychritrist!

So if I'm a teacher; regardless of the clothes I wear to school - I should not be forced to teach something that goes against my own conscience. People of other professions are allowed to make choices based on conscience (police, medical professionals, military people) and not be peinalized for their own consciences sake - why should a teacher be any different? For cryin out loud! Get the politics out of school and let the teachers do their jobs!