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about Head Coverings of all kinds
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Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
"Are you ready for some… controversy? (AKA, headcovering)"
I will be coming back to read this on again later ... .
Covering in Schools
Following the ongoing story of the new rules in Oregon, which protected the rights of people to wear a headcovering, even if it reflects their religious background, in all public places and jobs EXCEPT for public schools. This article points out how Oregon is only one of 3 states to still have the law against wearing "religious garb" into a classroom, and it is found to be based on anti-catholic and immigration laws put in place by Klan members many years ago. Keep up with some of the discussion in Oregon here (and elsewhere on the web).
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world...
Kulhudhufushi school makes veil mandatory : Minivan News - Maldives News
Part of the story:
“They feel that if somebody wants their child to wear a veil that’s acceptable...but imposed on everybody alike, that’s objectionable,” he said.
A mother of a boy in grade one, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told Minivan News that the decision was put to a vote at a parent-teacher meeting two weeks ago and a majority of parents voted in favour of the new uniform.
She said parents were asked whether they supported the proposal to introduce long trousers for boys from grades one to four and the veil for girls from grade five to seven.
“They gave parents a piece of paper to tick if we supported it. I voted against it because I thought it would be difficult for boys that young to wear trousers,” she said.
And back in Canada, freedom is the issue ...
Bannning veils against Canadian constitution, students say : The Weekly Albertan
Students feel a request by the Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC) to ban the burka or any face-covering veils is against the Canadian constitution.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A very thorough article explaining the arguments for and against headcovering for praying Christian women, and using 1 Corinthians 11. From "Why Head Covering Is For Today", by Kevin Williams.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Praying Always
As a Christian, I also understand a reasoning for covering my head in respect during prayer. It is not always the most opportune situation when I may feel a desire to pray. Does this mean that because I cannot kneel, or have a chance to cover completely, or have someone present to pray with me, that I should not pray at all? By no means! I will always attempt to pray in the best circumstances that I can, with proper regard for GOD and for prayer itself, which is a wondrous privilege. But if it is not all that prayer can and should be, then should one refrain from prayer? What if unbelievers are present? Or I'm in a place where things may be going on that I do not take part in? Or if I have forgotten a scarf when I left the house in a hurry?
I know that some women will wear covering 24/7, just in case they want to pray at any moment. Does that mean that GOD will not hear prayers of the uncovered? That I "sin" if I am not covered I offer up a prayer? What do you think?
Perhaps you will be interested in some of the comments at " | The Art and Culture of the Diaspora | The Roundtable Open Forum: Round Three".
"Canadian-designed hijab lets girls play sports safely"
Photos and video included.
Dispelling the myth that headcoverings are limiting in what a girl can or cannot do under them. I read recently of a man who traveled to Iran, and during his travels was surprised yet satisfied at the young woman who explained to him that headcovering was "just the way it was" and was not bother to her. Headcoverings are not as hot and uncomfortable as I used to think either.
It's good to keep an open mind.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"Experimenting with Headcoverings"
Short and sweet and practical too. A sort of middle road opinion.
I do believe they are a good idea for women in public worship, at least on a theoretical level. I prefer scarves or caps for women, as brimmed hats seem a bit anti-social: no one loves a nice hat like I do, but anything with a brim is likely to cut off the other parishioners’/congregants’ view of the mass/service. (I know, I know: I ought not to care about seeing the human beings, but as a practical matter one must at least be able to see the person leading the music, so one knows when to sing, vs. when the choir is carrying the load.)
I suppose I think it’s good that someone women are wearing them, and that some are not. The women who wear them minister, in a way, to other worshippers who need to “up their game.” They certainly are likely to enhance their own focus. Those who are not wearing them minister to newcomers, and Easter-Lily types.
So I shall have to be, once again, a squishy in-the-middle sort of person on this, just as I was on the question of how casually one ought to dress for church. (My feeling was, well enough not to distract anyone, but not well enough that one would distract anyone. Attractively, but not provocatively. No bare shoulders unless the AC is busted.)
Now, that link in this article... click where it says "a good idea" above. Good reading there.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
History and Romance - Studies in H.C.
Romantic History Historical Clothing includes a short article describing and detailing how to make a pretty "classical cap". The author, Sarah Jane, describes:
"Although this cap is not taken directly from any particular period, I think it looks best with late 18th century and early 19th century styled/inspired gowns since the way the crown is shaped conveniently accommodates the hairstyles of the time. This pattern could also be used for a cozy nightcap, made out of cotton for summertime wear or flannel (wool or canton) for cooler weather."
"Tignon Laws in Louisiana" is an article in "19th-century American Women--a museum in a blog", depicting a 19th century headcovering of another sort, the "tignon".
A tignon is a series of headscarves or a large piece of material tied or wrapped around the head to form a kind of turban resembling a West African gélé.
It was the mandatory headwear for Creole women in Louisiana during the Spanish colonial period, and the style was adopted throughout the Caribbean island communities as well.
On Gender Distinction
by Albert Mohler Jr.
This article contains some good thoughts about the differences between men and women, boys and girls - and various cultures - from a conservative Christian perspective. I believe that part of the reason for many people's problems with women covering their head, or their hair, stems from the confused perception that men and women are really not different, except in who can give birth and who can use a standing urinal. Even the problem with men who choose to cover can be traced to this uniformitarian-ish attitude that everyone should fit the current cultural norm regardless of gender or anything else.
As soon as I began to understand more about the differences between us women and men, then I saw more sense to the point of head covering, modest and feminine dress, gender "roles" and strengths, and what propriety means in general. Women were lied to, and told that unless they were a man then they were worthless. Men have been lied to and told that unless they explore and develop their "feminine" side they are worthless. Here's a couple of quotes from this article that I am on the side of:
"Clothes are never a frivolity -- they always mean something." ~ James Laver
Kay Hymowitz of the Manhattan Institute argues that this is one reason that so many schools have shifted to students wearing uniforms. "It's hard enough to get students to concentrate on an algorithm," she reminds, "even without Jimmy sitting there in lipstick and fake eyelashes."
The controversy over boys wearing skirts to school is a symptom of our loss of sexual sanity and the will to preserve any reasonable and healthy understanding of gender.
God made human beings to show His glory, and an essential part of that glory is the visible difference between males and females that is reflected even in the public presentation of dress.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
One Muslim Girl's Decision
And with a video too. I like this girl. I'm wondering if there is a head covering lady out there who can't relate to many of the things that this girl thought and experienced as she chose to start wearing a head scarf to school. Please read and watch and consider.
Smar Abuagla is 13 years old and a typical American teenager. She also happens to wear a head scarf at school. In her own words, she describes how she arrived at this decision and how her classmates have come to regard her.
Who the Head Covering is For

"The head covering - Black Preaching Network"
The question was asked in this forum : "My wife is a prophetess and wants to know is the heading covering still necessary, because people come at her as though she is a muslim, but she only living according to 1 Cor 11 th chapter!"
(The picture here is from a news article from a long time ago that I liked and wanted to use. In this photo the women are wearing the "doily" style headcovering, but I know of several Christian women who use the traditional hair wrap style -- and I think it is most becoming. - LisaM)
Here is one response at the forum:
Reply by Bishop R.G.Mallory -- "The covering is appropiate however there is no need to call attention to oneself. the covering in the scripture fit with the customs of the society hence the vail. your wife can wear a hat or some kind of Scarf wrapped the way sisters wrap them and the only people that will know she is obeying 1 Cor 11 is you, her and your church family. The Doctrine of head covering is for the church not sinners therfore it should not be used as something to witness. Nor should churches grab unsuspecting visitors to make them conform. It is the Doctrine of the church for the church! why have a sinner cover her head?"
Something to think about. People do have a problem with thinking that "if a headcovering draws attention, then it goes against modesty and is unnecessary". So listen to this thought, ladies: your headcovering is not a witness. Right? How many women have said, especially as beginners, they do NOT wear head coverings to draw attention to themselves, or to proclaim that they think that they are "holier" than anyone else. So many who do not believe that the head covering is necessary bring this up. But consider - that is NOT what the Christian woman is wearing a head covering for. Many times the poor thing is embarrassed to act on her desire to be obedient to GOD because she is worried that she will cause others to think that maybe she is trying to look like she's better than they are. But the headcovering, as stated by this man so simply, is for her, for her husband, and for her church family. So think of the modesty passages in other scriptures, and dress accordingly with your headcovers - avoid the sparkles, and eye-catching colors, and wild hats, and other "frippery". And, men who believe in headcovering, please be patient with the unbelieving women. Forcing a headcovering to make someone conform is like baptizing a baby who has no choice in the matter, or feeding the LORD's supper to someone who cannot discern the body and the blood of Christ. Are you thinking, better safe than sorry? Wait a minute. You cannot save anyone. Obeying laws cannot save anyone. Give the example of the older or believing women a chance to teach the Word without a word but by the beautiful manner of their lives. (Not meaning to preach to you or judge your motives, men and women, but this is my opinion at this point; I hope you understand where I'm coming from and what I'm trying to explain, from my point of view).
Though others may not understand what the headcovering is for, pray that they find letters like this one, or any of the blogs and articles written by the Christian women who have chosen to cover their heads. It is done in obedience to GOD, in deference to their husbands and other messengers of GOD, in reflection of the creation order, in the attempt to hide their own glory of their hair when in fact the emphasis during prayer and speaking the words of GOD should be on GOD's glory.
What do you think, readers?
Headcoverings Manditory in Hospitals
Yes, if it's a health issue, as we've seen in Australia, then "forcing" one to cover their head and hair is completely OK. No one complains that the supervisory powers are bullies, or are demeaning to the staff. And it can be a federal policy.
So what is the problem with people not wanting Muslim women and Sikh men doctors and other professional physicians to cover their head and/or hair again?
"St. Francis Hospital In Hartford Is On Probation For One Year --"
"The investigation report also cited several problems with hospital facilities.
. . .
"Meanwhile, the report said, numerous staff members in operating suites were wearing head coverings that failed to completely cover their hair, even while they were directly over or within direct contact of the surgical sites."
Yes, I did notice that it says "operating suites". Which is kinda funny, because if hair is not a good thing during surgery, then how is it OK during any other procedure? Wouldn't it be wise to allow head and hair coverings in other suites as well? Of course, I've not studied medicine.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Off Topic - Foot Covering Contest

"Win a pair of ugg boots in 2 simple steps. Open to everyone in every country!"
Click the image above.

Here's what the factory has to say about their product:
"You've found the world’s most comfortable ugg boots. The thicker merino sheepskin used in our ugg boots cools your toes in summer and warms in winter to produce a supremely comfortable 22 degree constant temperature. Unlike other footwear, ugg boots are made from a natural insulator. Constantly circulating air prevents heat exchange keeping you comfortable regardless of the temperature. With thicker sheepskin we offer greater insulation, comfort and strength."
(all images are from the Whooga webiste)
Friday, November 13, 2009
Covers for Cancer
"The Eyeopener Online" - Ryerson University's (CAN) Independent Student Newspaper
The World Head Wrappers know that without care for colour, shape or geography, cancer knows no bounds. Now they’re sharing their message in the World Head Wraps Fashion Show and Concert Fundraiser on Nov. 19. The runway show, produced by third-year Ryerson fashion communication students, features colourful head coverings from different cultures.Check out this sneak peek for the event, which will take place Nov. 19 at the Liberty Grand Artifacts Room (25 British Columbia Rd.). Proceeds from the event go to the Princess Margaret Hospital Wig Salon’s Patient Assistance Fund. Tickets, which are 50 per cent off for students, can be purchased at Big It Up stores or from their website.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
No Spanish Veils? or, Modesty in School
"Spanish school authorities in Lerida, a city of the Catalonian region near Barcelona, shut down a planned protest by students at a local high school on November 11 who wanted to wear helmets to class as a sign of protest. Two fellow students, both of whom are Muslim girls, were allowed to wear the hijab or Muslim veil, even while non-Muslim students were barred from wearing caps or hats. The planned protest spread like wildfire via FaceBook but a student at the school notified authorities, frustrating the protest.
. . .
"According to school administrator Juan Ferran of the non-Muslim protesters, “They know that this is a reality that they will have to live with.” They have obeyed now without protest. “We explained to them that even while our internal regulations do not permit a head covering, the Generalitat (provincial government) has established that in education centers we have an obligation to respect religious symbolism.” Besides the two hijab-wearing Muslim girls, there are also four Muslim girls who come to class without veils who were offended by the planned protest. One of them decided to wear a veil as a reaction to the non-Muslim students’ objections. Administrator Ferran was reluctant to identify the protest as xenophobic, attributing it to reasons of "identity." "
As much as I realize that women wear what is commonly referred to in the media as a "Muslim headcovering" solely in order to distinguish themselves as Muslim, I know from reading and studying and listening to grown women who have convictions, that wearing a headcovering - to a Muslim woman - is done in following the directive to be modest. It is, therefore, a "modest heacovering". And Jewish, Christian, Hindu, and other women all wear "modest headcoverings". Schools and other places of the world which want to say it's OK for women and young women to wear a headcovering in places where normally others are discouraged from wearing something (like a gang identifying hat or conversely, something which would disguise identification) always want to safely play some kind of "religion card", and claim that they allow or disallow headcovering because it is a religious symbol. So if something is allowed because it's "religious" then anyone who is a different religion, or irreligious, then feels discriminated against. And is some cases, rightly so. Why not just explain to the students, teachers, professors, parent associations, and etc., that these girls and young women who choose to cover are doing it because of their understanding of modesty? Everyone knows that not all Muslims consider modest dress to include headcovering - and this is so of all the "major religions". But some do. When discrimination occurs as regards headcovering, it almost always appears that one group or another is being shown special favour over others.
I propose that Muslim women everywhere just start telling everyone that it's a modesty issue - not merely a religious injunction. That those who have to make these decisions tell everyone that it's a modesty issue - not merely a religious one. Take it one step further, if you will. A modesty issue can quickly lead to a health issue, at least as far as public schools are concerned (see almost any modern discussion on uniforms in public and private schools). The issue of strongly suggesting head coverings for health and safety has already been broached and accepted in bright and sunny places; couldn't it apply to schools as well, in the issue of modest dress? Even a brightly colored head scarf is less distracting that beautiful silky hair. Just ask a shampoo commercial.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Headcoverings and the Body of the Messiah
A very thorough study and informative link, found via the blog : "Yahweh's Newport Assembly." Subjects from the passage in 1 Corinthians include the idea of traditions and things passed on from the apostles, the male head covering and the glory of GOD, the difference between men and women as discussed by Paul, and even an interpretation of the confusing "because of the angels" line. Many good points to read and meditate on.
Here's the opening paragraph:
The subject of head coverings has been a source of much confusion for many believers in the Messiah. However, in this study it will be evident that the reason why it is a source of confusion is because of a lack of understanding as to its purpose. Many have written studies which examine historical data or various theories which attempt to explain the head covering issue. But we can learn why women should cover their heads and why men should not cover their heads simply by looking at the reasons given in 1 Corinthians and studying out those reasons in other scriptures.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Opinion: "The She-Kippah"
This is just a nice spirited commentary - one woman's feelings about the fashion of head covering. Enjoy. :)
So here’s the thing. I tend to think of myself as a traditional kind of girl. I like ritual and history and tradition, which is one of the reasons that Judaism appeals to me. I also love Judaica–putting up a pretty mezuzah, having a collection of Star of David pendants, and of course, my notorious book shelf. So naturally, I I have toyed with the idea for a long time, trying to convince myself, but there’s something about it that just seems unnatural. That’s not to say, of course, that I have anything against those women who choose to don a yarmulke–I admire their ability to own the custom for themselves. I just can’t be one of them.
. . .
Friday, November 6, 2009
"Take a Journey With Me... Part 1-3"
I have enjoyed reading this lovely lady's story of her desire to wear a headcovering. Her conclusion: "I wear my covering out of obedience, honor and respect; not because of any letter of the law." Please read and be encouraged!
"Headcovering, is it Apostolic or human?"
For serious students of scripture, please read this excellent short study, which explains the meaning and use of the concept of "tradition" as used in 1 Corinthians 11:2 -- “Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you.” -- and elsewhere in the writings of the Apostle Paul. Specifically in this passage, the traditions were handed down to Paul from the LORD, and so are not the mere teachings of a man to abide in the current habits of the culture around him. Thank you, Leo, for presenting this online!
And, please, be encouraged!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Everyone Must Cover Their Head In ...
Queensland politicians told to wear a hat while outside in the sun | The Courier-Mail
Breast Cancer Survivor Helps Cover Others
"Breast cancer survivor keeping others covered" - WAFF 48 News in Alabama
HUNTSVILLE, AL (WAFF) - One breast cancer survivor is on a mission to bring comfort to others battling the disease.
Please also read: "Hats off to no hair - and to being chemo sensitive", BY KATHY LATOUR, on blogs.
I like to keep others in mind that head covering is not only about commands and religion. In the letter of Paul to the Corinthians, he appeals also to the "nature" of things; that to a woman, her hair is a glorious mantle. Women who lose their hair, for whatever reason, desire to have something further on their heads. It is taken for granted - no one writes stories about how women who lose their hair need to get out there and cover their heads. Contrariwise, some people do feel that they have to write to encourage women to feel OK to be bald. Thing is, it really just isn't "natural" (albeit, it happens that women do sometimes lose their hair naturally), and the desire to cover the head has little to do with "nurture" or the culture. Women of various cultural backgrounds have culturally begun accepting women with shorter hair, but still, there is hair, and it is usually kept in a feminine style of some sort.
What culture or law can keep a woman from putting something on her head? Why do women who want to "let their hair down" want to discourage other women from putting even more on their heads, like a hat, scarf or veil? We like stuff on our heads, ladies. It's time to stop telling people that it's not natural. "If God had wanted us to have something on our heads, he'd have put it there". Well, God did. And forever since we've liked having something on our heads, whether it's keeping our hair private for our special guy, or decorating it up with flowers and jewels.
No more culture wars, please. Just let us all wear our headcoverings in peace. Thanks.
Headcovering Controversies on Yahoo! News Photos
for a slideshow on Yahoo covering many of the aspects around the world of the "headcovering controversy". Mostly, the problem as presented here is with women who also completely cover their faces, though many of the photos exhibit other forms of modest dress and headcovering, as worn by Muslim women around the world. In some places, especially in Europe, the controversy is not so much about women covering as it is a fear of some form of Islamic oppression (perceived or realized), but still the headcovering has become the symbol of that which divides.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Headscarf In The News This Week
"DALLAS — A Muslim doctor interviewing for a job at a suburban Dallas medical clinic says officials there told her she couldn't wear her headscarf while working." . . .
"CAIR officials say complaints from women being told to not wear a hijab in the workplace have become rare in recent years as more employers become informed of their responsibilities under the Civil Rights Act. The law also prevents employers from avoiding religious accommodations because they think the public might not be comfortable with a certain practice, Athman said."
"Killer of 'headscarf martyr' in dock - Channel 4 News"
"The trial of a man accused of murdering a pregnant Egyptian woman in a German court room begins today, in a case that has incensed many in the Muslim world."
"Kuwait: Headscarf not a must for female lawmakers - Yahoo News"
"KUWAIT CITY – Kuwait's highest court ruled Wednesday that women lawmakers are not obliged by law to wear the headscarf, a blow to Muslim fundamentalists who want to fully impose Islamic Sharia law in this small oil-rich state." . . .
Review: "Muslim women film series dispels stereotypes - in The Guilfordian (Guilford College, North Carolina, US)", beginning:
The IDS 485: Arab and Islamic Feminisms class, taught by Assistant Professor of English Diya Abdo, is presenting a Muslim women film series. The film series challenges stereotypes about Muslim women by exploring the lives of Muslim women around the world.
"They Call Me Muslim," the first film in the series, was screened in Bryan Jr. Auditorium on Oct. 6. Directed by Diana Ferrero, the film examines the debate over the Muslim headscarf by interviewing two women; one in France who is forced to remove her hijab, and another woman in Iran who is forced to put it on.
A small group of students gathered to watch the film and afterwards participated in a discussion that was led by four seniors from Abdo's IDS class. The discussion focused on how the hijab relates to oppression, identity, and anti-Muslim sentiments.
"For many women, the veil is liberating," said presenting senior Lee Cornett, addressing the common Western misconception that the hijab is a symbol of oppression. "We all place different ideologies on the same piece of clothing." . . .