Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cancer Survivor Scarves

I admire women who do these things so much, I try to post their stories and head coverings whenever I can. See more stories at the "cancer" link, at the end of this post.

"Cancer survivor Paula Zidonis weaves scarves into the fabric of her life"
October 29, 2008, Fran Henry, Plain Dealer (Cleveland) Reporter

"The single Southington, Ohio, woman - who'd had a mastectomy after a lumpectomy didn't quell her fears - was moved to found Survivor Scarfs, Etc., which offers scarves in two lengths and 21 patterns. In the long version, the tails can hang free or be pulled into a bow with a small scrunchie.

""I tried wigs and hated them. They were not for me," said Zidonis, who was diagnosed in 2006. "One day, while we were shopping for scarves, my mother said, 'We're here by the fabric store. Let me make you scarves.' "

"And that's what she did, one for every outfit in her daughter's closet.

"When Zidonis went to the Cleveland Clinic for chemotherapy, her social worker admired her scarves and suggested she make them to sell.


"Zidonis' scarves are available in a variety of patterns and colors at her Web site,, or by calling 330-240-8809. Short scarves are $16.99, and long scarves are $18.99. Other head coverings and scarf accessories also are available."

Photos from, which includes a page with instructions on scarf tying.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quote of the Week

Orthodox Mother's Digest, who admits to not being a regularly covering lady, reports in "Pondering Headcovering" a lovely observation made by her young son:

"He was walking with his papa through the local university campus and saw a young arabic lady with a full headcovering. Little Builder pointed to her and said, "look, Papa! She looks like a saint!""


Head Coverings and Test Taking

Occasionally, somewhere a rule will pass that students taking tests will not be allowed to wear their head coverings, of any sort, reportedly because they might just be hiding notes in there. Granted, it's probably happened. But to make an across the board rule that no one can cover their head when taking a test, or must be subjected to a search? India is getting it...

"Turbans No Longer Banned at MCAT Exams, Rules AAMC"

In its letter to a Sikh professional organization dated Oct. 2, the Association of American Medical Colleges announced it would no longer ban turbans at MCAT exam sites.

The MCAT — the Medical College Admissions Test — is an exam required for admission to U.S. medical schools. The AAMC, which administers the test through Thomson Prometrics, previously had a policy stating that anyone wearing a head covering could be asked to remove it at the MCAT examination room.


Neha Singh, western region director of the Sikh Coalition, told India-West that if the AAMC’s old policy had been designed to thwart cheating, shoes and pockets should also have been routinely checked for all test-takers. “A turban is wound pretty tightly. It’s pretty difficult to fit anything inside,” she said.

“For a Sikh, covering the head is as important as putting on pants,” said Singh, adding, “A lot of people assume its optional, but it’s not.”

Dr. Baljit Singh Sidhu, president of NASMDA, told India-West his son and his friends took the MCAT last year, and while his son was not asked to remove his turban before taking the test, several of his friends were. Sidhu said a similar policy was occasionally being applied with the Graduate Record Examination — the GRE — and even with high school students taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test – SATs.

“You can hide test materials in your turban, but you can also hide them in your bra, your underwear or your baggy pants,” said Sidhu. “It’s discriminatory to only search people wearing turbans,” he said.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hip Trendy Hijab

"The Hip Trendy Hijab"
Cindy Bremen Speaks About Her Designs

By Emdad Rahman, UK Correspondent for, Oct. 23, 2008

For more information and background, please read the entire article at the linked title above. Here is the introduction:

In the Netherlands the hijab (headscarf) has been the subject of many discussions. The question remains whether it is representative, safe to wear during sports activities or opposed to women’s rights. Many native Dutch people feel that wearing the hijab symbolizes oppression of women. In the Western world, wearing a hijab was in vogue in the ‘50’s and early ‘60’s. Since the arrival of Muslim women in the late ‘60’s and early ‘70’s, due to the immigration of foreign labourers, the hijab has become a taboo.

The Dutch designer Cindy Van Den Bremen, represents the brains behind Capsters. The history of Capsters starts in the graduation project of Van den Bremen at the Design Academy Eindhoven back in 1999. The concept was based on the idea to give Muslim girls and their gym teachers in the Netherlands an alternative to the traditional hijab to wear during gym classes. The designs were realized in close co-operation with Muslim girls and an Imam. Due to positive publicity, orders started coming in and soon the brand Capsters® was born.
In 2001 the first sports series were launched and has eversince been sold worldwide. Not only have the Muslim women showed interest, but other women and even men as well. For several years now Capsters have served an international and diverse clientele.

Also, link to for more information on the products and photos.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Personal Thoughts

I received a copy of this letter, concerning the wearing and not-wearing of Christian headcovering and 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. Since it was not sent to me, but only passed on, I didn't feel I should send my thoughts to the author, especially since it does not appear as if the issue is up for discussion. But I have read and heard these thoughts before. And I have been asked, "So what DO you think about all this?" Here is the letter, and then my response.
I studied this years ago and have fought the arguments on the issue for years now. If you read I Corinthians 11:3-15 you cannot come to a conclusion that they wore an artificial covering. If I Corinthians 11:3-15 teaches an artificial covering how long does it have to be, what material, when do you wear it, when not, etc. People whom argue cannot answer one of those questions because God doesn't teach an artificial covering to anyone now or then. Anything that God desires we do, He explains how to do it (Lord's Supper - when, where, with what, among whom, etc. - Matthew 26:26-30, Acts 20:7, and I Corinthians 11:23-34). If anyone is wearing it with mixed thoughts, not in faith, that is a violation of Romans 14:23.

The following is the letter that I wrote, but did not send:

Thank you for sending this. I would never like to argue with anyone, least of all someone who has "fought the arguments" for years. I would disagree that a person reading this passage "cannot come to a conclusion that they wore an artificial covering" because many people do.

I also have a problem with not having the specifics equaling it not being a command, because we also do not have specifics for many other things that we do: we are commanded to sing to one another, but which spiritual songs and hymns are to be sung, how long should they be, who should write them, what about song books and song leaders ... we are commanded to come together; should we meet in a special building and what are the specifics there, should we have a separate room for the Lord's Supper, what kind of table, utensils ... we are commanded to dress appropriately; what does "modest apparel" mean specifically, how long is a long skirt, (and how long is long hair?) ... .

I do agree that God does not teach artificial covering as a specific command, and therefore I would never bind this practice on anyone as a law - any more than I would bind teaching a Bible class, or dressing to my standard of modesty, or even getting married and having children, for example (there are many things in scripture that are not specifically commanded but are very good, righteous or virtuous behaviour). But I do think that there are wise choices that easily follow the commands of love that are there in the Word. God placed us in a certain order in creation as men and women, and head covering can be a choice made that very easily reflects that, and even is commended (though not commanded) in scripture. So I wouldn't "unbind" the practice either, as some seem to try to do. To me, this should be approached as a "Romans 14" topic in certain ways - if you feel that the scripture teaches it, or, in the words of others, that "the Lord is leading you to it", then in contrast to the "he who doubts if he eats, sins" (verse 23), "he who knows to do good and does it not sins"(James 4:17).

I encourage you to study with your husband, and others, and come to a conclusion on the issue for yourself. Just as "each person must be fully convinced in their own mind", so also the practice of headcovering is a sign of submission and authority, and so the husband's opinion on this is also very important. If you come to the conclusion together that it was a good practice but is not necessary, then I certainly stand with you in that liberty - God has not sent Jesus Christ as Messiah to bind us to another set of physical laws like in the Old Covenant. I don't personally feel that it is a clear command, such as sharing in the Lord's Memorial Supper, or worshiping and praying together. But I would encourage you to be careful not to be contentious about it either way - I really don't think You would anyway. :)

As I've said before, for me personally, this is where I stand at this point in my life, and how I understand it. Perhaps someday I may change my mind. Until then, I see nothing sinful in wearing a headcovering unless it is done in order to earn salvation or something like that, and in contrast I do see the spiritual benefits of living in humility and submission in a silent visual way for both husband and wife, and others too maybe - unless it is done as if it is a law and not as something which comes alongside a commanded spiritual law, such as a hymn book, or church building, or floor length skirt...

I hope that I don't sound argumentative - I really don't mean to. I am still suffering from this cough a bit and with all the packing going on, I may not be wording things exactly right. I also don't want to sound wishy-washy. I do believe it is a very good practice, and like marriage, which was a design from the beginning to symbolize our relationship to God, should be practiced in depth of spiritual understanding - not everyone does it; but I cannot judge their hearts. Only God can see their heart - and I can only see my own.

And therefore, I cover my head for prayer and speaking God's words.


If you would like to discuss these things with me further, please write and let me know. Leave anonymous comments, and I will respond in the comment section. Or feel free to copy this letter and discuss it with someone else - and Please, let me know if you feel that I am mis-representing the Lord God with these words.

May you remember that you are blessed, and may you be covered with Love.

- LM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Short Personal Summary of Christian Covering

"Why I Dress the Way I Do and Why I Cover My Head Now"

"I know a lot of people disagree, but I have to be obedient to my conscience, rather than man. If I believe the Lord has led me to do this, then to not do it would be a sin for me."

She links to her other writings on this subject at the end of the blog entry, which are also written well and easy to read and understand.


For more information on Christians who cover, check the ThoseHeadcoverings links on Christian headcovering.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Never Out of Style

From a review of a boutique in Syracuse, New York: "Best Head Games", in

Image"For decades hats went alongside white gloves as a required part of a lady’s ensemble. The social set would not dare venture out wearing the most important item to complete an outfit and it was not too long ago that Catholic churches would not allow a woman to enter without some head covering. All this has gone by the boards today, although there is a tiny trickle of interest in reviving head-gear chic. One demographic that has never wavered from wearing a hat when going to a social or church function is the African-American community. It is a special pleasure to see the ladies dressed up in their best bib and tucker, topping everything off with a sassy chapeau. And not just any hat, mind you, but one that makes a definite statement. "

Sunday best: Priscilla Evans, proprietor of Hats by Priscilla, sells finery for the church-lady set in the heart of Eastwood. MICHAEL DAVIS PHOTO

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cover Your Head for Your Health - Cold Weather

This report just in. Again. As in previous years: cover your head in cold weather.

"In places where it's extremely cold -- like Maine, Wisconsin or Montana -- McCullough said it's important not to forget to insulate the legs as well as the head, hands and feet.

""You can't just put on a jacket and expect to be comfortable in very cold conditions," she said.

"Mom was right if she told you to wear a hat, too. McCullough said that hats are important because your head is physiologically different from other parts of your body.

""Blood vessels in your head don't constrict," she said. "The first place vessels constrict is in the hands and feet so that your body won't lose heat as quickly. But the blood vessels in the head don't constrict, because your body's priority is keeping the brain functioning."

"McCullough said the main reason a hat will make you feel warmer is that it's the last place many of us think to cover up.

""Often people have most of their other body parts covered," she said. "If the head is the only area left uncovered, you can make a tremendous difference to your clothing insulation by simply adding a hat.""


Photo above from: "knitting pattern: Mumsey Headscarf" - neat pattern!

Also, you may want to check out Pixiebell Elfinwear's Etsy account for some other neat winter head coverings, or if you're a knitter yourself, some ideas...
Photos here of "Earthly Fae Hood in Sky Blue" and "Pixie Hat in Grass and Boucle - Child" from Pixiebell Elfinwear

Friday, October 17, 2008

More Political Headcoverings

Well, since wigs count as head or hair coverings, then you, too, can make a political statement in what you wear on your head, and I can report on it here. (for other political head covers, see

Check the following articles on the Sarah Palin Wigs:

McClatchy blog Checkpoint Jerusalem

from New York, Wig shop

better photos from, also mentioned in this article

I also found one for Michelle Obama, at International Wig

I just can't even comment. ...

As a brilliant young rabbi in the Midwest so eloquently said: "OY!"

Blogging about Christian Headcovering

Christian headcovering doesn't make the news very often, unless it's to compare a nun's habit with the Muslim hijab, but the blog world often carries discussions, questions and other thoughts about the role and position of Christ-following women covering their head for worship times and/or all the time.

Free To Cover is relatively new to headcovering, as many other Christian headcover-ers who blog seem to be. She follows the Orthodox Christian traditions and writes often about her choice to cover her head, and with what shall she cover it. I appreciate the honesty with her latest blog entry, concerning personal attitude toward head covering, and thinking through why we choose to cover: " A moment of honesty".

Grace in Bloom is a rural homeschooling Mom, who posts: "Good question", presenting her thoughts on headcovering from a Biblical standpoint, in the midst of a busy life, where, as with so many of us, convictions can waver. Read also the link to her earlier article, which you can find in her opening paragraph.

Ginger Pie writes her answer to: "What is on Your Head?". She is a member of an Old Path's Bible Baptist church. Click to read this blog for many links on headcovering, as well as some "where to buy a headcovering" sites.

While you're reading the writings of others about the headcoverings spoken of in 1 Corinthians 11, also see the entry: "John Murray - Birthday and Head Coverings", from turretinfan at blogspot. It's an excerpt from a letter (with a link) that John Murray wrote from Scotland in 1973 to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Australia on the subject of head coverings.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Head Wrap Style - with video

"Professional Scarf and Head Wrap Styling"
October 11 2008, by Nicole, at (Ethnic, modest, and tribal attire and lifestyle news)

Here are a few of her thoughts:
Gelee, khimar, and other scarves and headwraps are usually done by the wearer for themselves, but if you know an expert, you can have your wrap done professionally. Head scarf artists in Africa, the middle east, and other parts of the world provide their services for weddings, formal occasions, and those who prefer a precise wrap that looks good from every angle.


If you're a hair stylist, especially a natural or African hair culturist, becoming an expert in scarves will be good for your business. Wrapping is good for times when the hair needs to rest from styling tension and to protect the hair from the harsh elements. It will also enhance your services to the modest dresser, since you'll be able to finish them with a beautiful wrap, not just shoo them away when you're done with their hair and let them fend for themselves.
Please visit the site for a links to videos at YouTube on hair wrapping. She also links to a site of African Head Wraps and How To pages - enjoy visiting!

Here's a few of the videos that allow embedding. Check other videos (carefully, this is YouTube) for more headwrap and scarf tying demonstrations.

How To Rock A Headwrap - version 1

How To Tie Tichel Pt. 1

Tying Gele

Young Muslim Women Covering

Reading the following stories reminds us that in countries where head covering is somewhat optional, the choice is made often by young women, who often come across as "counter cultural" in some ways.

"Youthful Voice Stirs Challenge to Secular Turks"

SABRINA TAVERNISE, October 14, 2008, in

ISTANBUL — High school hurt for Havva Yilmaz. She tried out several selves. She ran away. Nothing felt right.

“There was no sincerity,” she said. “It was shallow.”

So at 16, she did something none of her friends had done: She put on an Islamic head scarf.

In most Muslim countries, that would be a nonevent. In Turkey, it was a rebellion. Turkey has built its modern identity on secularism. Women on billboards do not wear scarves. The scarves are banned in schools and universities. So Ms. Yilmaz dropped out of school. Her parents were angry. Her classmates stopped calling her.

Like many young people at a time of religious revival across the Muslim world, Ms. Yilmaz, now 21, is more observant than her parents. Her mother wears a scarf, but cannot read the Koran in Arabic. They do not pray five times a day. The habits were typical for their generation — Turks who moved from the countryside during industrialization.

“Before I decided to cover, I knew who I was not,” Ms. Yilmaz said, sitting in a leafy Ottoman-era courtyard. “After I covered, I finally knew who I was.”

While her decision was in some ways a recognizable act of youthful rebellion, in Turkey her personal choices are part of a paradox at the heart of the country’s modern identity.

The full story of this young woman's movement for rights, and more on the headscarf debate in Turkey can be found at the title linked above.

"Muslim student seeks to change world"
October 14, 2008, By James Kneblik, Jr., in USFCrowsNest at wordpress

Read her story and of her good works with her family working with Iraq, at the title link above. Here is just the portion of the article relating her experiences as a Muslim student in the US.

Following the footsteps of world-changing family members, Shelaan Hakky lives her life furthering humanitarian good and her own Muslim faith.

Hakky is beginning her college career at USF St. Petersburg and hopes to make a difference on campus.


Anyone meeting Hakky today would notice her wearing the hijabi, the customary head covering for many Islamic women. A woman choosing to cover her head is a big decision, Hakky explained.

Hakky holds one of the three officer positions in the new United Muslim Student organization at USF St. Petersburg. As vice president, she is the only female officer that chooses to cover her head with the hijabi.

Recognizing the head covering is a visible indication of Islam, Hakky explained that a Muslim woman should wear it when she is ready.

Even in college Hakky has experienced people treating her different because of her decision to wear the hijabi. She says people sometimes stare at her while on campus.

A professor during class once asked her, while wearing her head covering, if she knew how to use a computer. Hakky was surprised, “of course I know how to use a computer,” she responded. “I was raised here, I have an American accent for god’s sake.”

“I’ve had people say, ‘go back to your country,’” Hakky stated. “I’ve had a lot of racism.”

There really is a lot more to these young women than what they wear on their heads, but as it is a strong symbol, they and other young women do really seem to be striving to help change perceptions of that symbol.

On the much rougher side of choosing to wear a headcovering, consider these young women:

"Tunisian College Bans Hijab-Wearing Women"
found in the MEMRI blog, 2008-10-15

A representative of the League for the Defense of Hijab-Wearing Women in Tunisia said that the director of the Higher Institute for Technological Studies in the town of Menzel Abderrahmane had prevented 60 women wearing the hijab from attending classes, and had threatened to cancel their studies altogether.

He said some of the women agreed to wear a traditional Tunisian headcovering instead of a hijab.

There has recently been an increase in complaints of restrictions on hijab-wearing women in Tunisia.

Source:, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Headcovering in the Orthodox church

"Headcovering in the Orthodox church?" is a short discussion of the practice of headcovering in the Orthodox churches, found in the forums. The consensus there seems to be that it depends on the jurisdiction, the particular church, and the individual woman. It is also pointed out in other entries that the practice is found in the Bible and in antiquity (while wearing dresses versus pants is not).

Also, please stop by "Light and Good Order", for more information and lovely illustrations of headcovering in the Orthodox churches, and don't miss reading/watching "Free to Cover" for another sweet personal journey (often with photos) in headcovering in the Orthodox tradition.

Head Coverings are Not Bad for Your Health

As the commenter to my last post writes, there may be more evidence that wearing head coverings and other skin coverings is healthful, rather than bad for you. Vitamin D from the sun is good; skin cancer from too much sun exposure is bad.

Also, wearing head coverings does not make your hair fall out faster. Check this report, from "Authoritative Content : Stop Hair Loss from Sucking the Life Out Of You", regarding misconceptions about hair loss:

* Hairs need to breath. Wrong again. Individual hairs get their oxygen supply from the scalp. Hair will not be damaged by wearing wigs, hats or other head covering unless any of those are too tight on the head.

Not meaning to be testy, of course. I'm just saying.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Free Acne Advice?

This article came up through the websearch on head coverings today: "Where To Go For Free Acne Advice". Caught my attention. You see, natural sunlight is good for your skin, and helps to reduce acne problems. So the people from Acne Product Reports have issued this important information, with some additional warnings, found in the following paragraph:

Although some people have deficiencies that require vitamin D supplements, most people can get enough vitamin D from sunlight and their diet. However, groups of people who may not get enough sun exposure include people who are homebound, have an occupation that keeps them indoors, people living close to the poles, women required to wear robes and head coverings, or people who simply spend too much time watching TV or at a computer. These activities or lifestyles can increase the severity and intensity of your acne.
You know what caught my attention, right? "... women required to wear robes and head coverings ... ". Hmm. So does this mean that women who are not required to wear them but do so anyway are not included in this list? Why throw in the word "required"? It's because of the way these folks - the researchers, the writers and their editors have been taught. No woman in her right and sound mind would wear robes and or head coverings unless it was required, it appears.

ABonita Scarves

Two stories appeared this weekend in Florida about the Abonita Scarf, by Bonita Shamp. A "four-in-one head scarf that's perfect for those who may have lost their hair because of cancer treatment." Check her website for images, ordering, and explanation of "how to tie" these scarves, made for easy tying, and a slide show of four different ways to wear the scarves. Here are the two stories:

"Lifetime Friends: Stylish Solution for Hair Loss"
By Bob Shackelford,

"Illness spurs designer's new career"
By Jean Patteson,, October 9, 2008

Photo here of the Brown-Teal-Paisly "Beate" scarf, from the website


Another business in the news can be found here:
"Shop serves cancer patients"
It sells items they need and offers information about the disease.
By STEVE MARRONI, For the York [PA] Daily Record/Sunday News, 10/17/2008

When Diana Klunk was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006, she knew it was some sort of divine intervention.

"I believe God gave me cancer for a reason," she said.

"I feel I was given cancer so that I know what it's like, and I can help people who are going through it."

She recently opened a shop called LifeChanges Boutique at the Hanover Community Health and Education Center at 400 York St. in Hanover.

The shop, which had a grand opening Monday, caters to women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

. . .

The store is filled with every necessary item, educational tool and even fun accessories, Klunk said. She carries a wide assortment of hats and Beau Beaus -- a kind of scarf that works as a head covering for those who lost their hair through chemotherapy.

Stylishly Religious, or Religiously Stylish?

In response to an editorial, critiquing women who dress more modestly, including wearing a head covering, only for special occasions, especially religious Holy days. The article appeared in the Jakarta times, but is no longer available on line.

Women who dress modestly and reverently, covering their head and private parts, are abiding by a higher spiritual code than a list of rules. But it is the list of rules in any culture which is just that: cultural. When it becomes a list of do this/don't do that, then those who follow the strict "letter of the law" will mix head coverings with immodest or flashy styles, because, to them, they're still following the basic rules. All it says it pull your headcovering over your chest, right? But this is true with all religious backgrounds - Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu (and probably more). When men and women don't understand the reason behind the rules, the're not going to dress or act as if they understand the purpose (of course), and merely do the least they can get away with, otherwise trying to blend in with the world. I have heard the other rules that are listed here for women's clothing, such as no accessories, makeup, or showing curves. Are these actually commands, or are they culturally adapted rules given for people who don't understand the reasoning behind dressing modestly (and therefore need a list, because they can't figure it out on their own)? Modest and reverent apparel can be fashionable, I think, when the heart is right, and not just trying to "get away with" something. If you want more women to dress reverently and respectfully, then they need more explanation than just a list of do's and don'ts - teach them the "spirit of the law". If all you want is for them to follow a list, then you're going to have to make a very long and extensive list. But that list cannot be found in any of the Books. Only the Spirit.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thoughtful Headcovering

"Being Soberminded" - Please read "The Country Cottage" at blogspot, October 11, 2008, for a Christian woman's personal explanation of growing and changing and obeying in several areas in her life. The following paragraph shares her convictions and understandings regarding headcoverings. Notice though that wearing a headcovering is placed here in a listing of several other aspects of her daily living which she has grown in, for nothing really stands alone when we make a decision to give our whole lives to Whom we believe.

Headcovering - I started covering my head for prayer about two years ago. I did it out of conviction after reading the word and then finding Christian testimony on the web. I wasn't sure about it, whether it was relevant for today (that old "it was cultural excuse). But, I was determined to give it a try and see if God wanted me to do this for more than just a season in my life. Two years and now I cover my head most of the day. I do not wear my covering outside unless it is to the store or close by. My family is not supportive of my decision and they feel it is a cultural thing (only for the Jewish Christian's of Paul's time). I also do not cover when I go to church. I attend a very large Bible church and covering is not seen nor taught. The Lord is leading me to cover full time though and I am trusting Him to change the hearts and minds of my family. Personally, I don't really care whether they like it or not; but God calls us to be respectful of parents and husbands, and therefore, I must keep this in mind. He understands and has been helping me ease into it. God is so very good.

Muslim Actress Uncovered

Iranian Actress Heads Into a Storm
'Body of Lies' Co-Star Appears Scarf-Free on Red Carpet, Igniting Debate at Home

By Thomas Erdbrink, Washington Post Foreign Service, October 12, 2008

TEHRAN, Oct. 11 -- When Iranian movie star Golshifteh Farahani moved from Tehran to Hollywood, she didn't bring along her head scarf, which is obligatory in her own country.

The 25-year-old actress appeared at the New York red-carpet premiere of Ridley Scott's new action movie, "Body of Lies," last Sunday sporting a broad smile, a sleeveless designer dress and bare curly hair. In the movie, which also stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe, Farahani plays a pious Muslim woman who works as a nurse.

In the past week, heated debates on dozens of Iranian Web sites have pitted those who support Farahani's decision to remove her scarf against those who accuse her of selling out her Muslim heritage.

Read more on this at the title linked above, including the story and reactions.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Christian Headcovering on Yahoo Groups

I recently received this note in a comment:

"Our group is Covered_Women_4_God on yahoo
It would be great to have more Christian ladies joining us on the group to discuss this note worthy topic"

So I looked up the group:

This group is for WOMEN ONLY who seek to veil themselves (including their hair) as a sign of submission to their Creator. Whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jew or other...we seek to support each other in our efforts to dress modestly and to separate ourselves from those who choose to submit to this world.

This is your opportunity to share information and support. Many faiths share in their belief in modesty as part of their faith.

Over the centuries women have been progressively disrobed by fashion, society and politics. Join us in supporting each other as women of the "veil".

Hostile posts will not be tolerated. Nor will off topic posts, so please show respect for the others in the group. PLEASE NO MEN>

If you are interested and wouldn't mind joining a YahooGroup, check into: Covered_Women_4_God


You can also peruse through a great list of "headcovering support groups" at Yahoo Groups - click here for an earlier entry of mine on this subject.

Cancer Cap Care

I get many "hits" to these pages, some looking for "how to make caps for cancer patients". Please look through the Those Headcoverings for Cancer web page, for websites and ideas. And if you find a good easy headcovering, or "cancer cap", to make that's comfortable, that you or your loved one like, please consider the following story.

"Taking battle to cancer one wig at a time"

By Garret Mathews, October 7, 2008, in the
OAKLAND CITY, Ind. — Bobbie Buck goes in the hospital today for double mastectomy surgery. It's part of an ongoing battle against cancer that began in 2003, when she had part of a lung removed.

The 57-year-old Gibson County woman is upbeat.

"It'll be OK. Hey, they're letting me bring my own tea."

In 2000, her husband, Chester, was diagnosed with colon cancer. He died last year.

"After years of surgeries and chemo both with him and me, I got to know other cancer patients who couldn't afford wigs and head coverings" for their medical-related hair loss, she said. "So I got involved."

She started knitting caps and leaving them at hospitals and oncology centers.

"Real informal. If you need one, pick one up. I would never charge. There are too many people who can't afford to pay."

Buck soon realized there's a greater need than her nimble fingers could meet. She put out the word that folks with spare wigs and turbans can donate them either to her or the Eagles Lodge in Oakland City.

"Everything gets sent to the American Cancer Society. Something like 40 wigs, 60 hats and 50 scarves have come in so far."

She vows to continue the push after recovering from her operation.

"I've got way more to accomplish before I leave this world. I'll just need a little time to get my strength back and get right back to work."

More information at the article, linked above. Also look through the Those Headcoverings for Cancer web page, for websites and ideas.


EDIT, 14 October 08 - Another neat idea about making care caps for cancer patients can be found here: "MNRG Knitting for Charity". Here's the basic information:
Last year the Minnesota RollerGirls did a series of Knitting for Charity events graciously hosted at Crafty Planet. This was inspired by one of the skater's mom's 16-month-long battle with cancer. With yarn supplied by the league, fans and rollergirls, we knit and crocheted well over 100 hats for cancer patients! Each was tagged with an MNRG hangtag signed by the person who made it.

Why is this important?
Cancer patients often undergo chemotherapy and radiation and, as a result, many lose their hair or end up with very thin hair. Many cancer treatments also make patients very sensitive to cool temperatures. This combination leaves a lot of people with cold extremities. Providing free, hand-made, soft, warm head coverings is a small way that we can be supportive of the patients and their families.

Where are they going?
The hats are divided up between the American Cancer Society's local chapter and the U of M's Cancer Center. Both distribute free hats to cancer patients.

How you can help.
Spread the word! Our first event is coming up in just 11 days on October 25.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Questions of Christian Headcoverings

Interesting study, using the original Greek language, and discussion of Christian headcoverings over at "Follow In His Steps" at blogspot:

A Question of Headcoverings
"The question of why we do not wear headcoverings is a good one! This is a topic that we have devoted intensive scriptural study to, for if the Lord desired us to cover our heads with a cloth/fabric covering, we wanted to be obedient to Him!"

. . .

"*Edited to add: What is shared here is with the intent to stir thought and encourage one to examine this area of headcoverings. It is not intended to cause daughters or wives to go against the teaching and desire of their fathers or husbands. As women, we are commanded by the Lord to submit to our fathers or husbands . . . and this includes in this area of whether or not to cover our heads with a physical cloth covering. I hope that that clarifies this issue a bit! :)"

A Question of Headcoverings - 2
"The most recent post regarding headcoverings has garnered much interest, many comments and several e-mails. Thank you to all of you ladies who shared your thoughts! Through reading what was shared, there is an additional area that we would like to look at regarding this passage in 1 Corinthians 11 as well as the reason behind having any covering at all (whether it be long hair or a physical veil.)"

More Information on the Kheffiyeh

Kefiyah / Keffiyeh - Arab Headress in many styles

in the blog Holy Exposures, Commentary and Photos of Israel

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Those Unconventional Christian Headcoverings

October 8, 2008, Sweetly Proverbs 31 at blogspot writes "Taking the Next Step".

After deciding to post a photo of her new apron, she notices her headcovering, and writes this very sweet explanation and admittance of her decision to wear a headcovering, and also to finally explain to others her decision of obedience. Part of her post follows:
In reading 1 Corinthians chapter 11 regarding headcoverings it is rather easy at first to justify that these verses mean one thing or another, depending upon what you want it to say. If you do not like one translation, just read another, and then of course we could justify it with claiming it was just a custom and it really does not apply to today. But with further study this becomes increasingly difficult to do. After much study, even more prayer, and plenty of discussion, we finally came to the conclusion that the meaning is pretty clear cut. For quite some time we had understood this practice in regards to worship...but what about daily life?

Opinions on whether or not to cover for daily life vary, and I am still not sure that this is clearly defined. But as with many things we need to be willing to follow whatever God lays on our heart, and for us, with this, we feel His leading us to cover in daily life.


October 7, 2008, Hearts and Home writes "When A Mother's Heart Aches".

A mother who has raised her children "unconventionally", observes the teasing and hard decisions her children have to make, choosing to be different from so many in this world. Included is this praise and prayer for her daughter:
Sydney has chosen to wear skirts and dresses only, headcoverings, little to no make-up, does not date, enjoys cooking, sewing, knitting and serving God and Her Family. Not to mention she spends time with her brothers, even in public. Not the typical teen girl. It has taken Sydney 17 years to get the where she is and it was not easy. She went through the straighten your curly hair, wear make-up and fashionable clothes stage, flirt, want a boyfriend, don't hang out with your brothers and all the other "cool" stuff but in the end came back to wanting to please God not so called friends. If you ever get time you can read about many of the journeys my oldest has taken to get to where she is, embracing God's desires for her life over the worlds on her blog.


October 9, 2008, Free To Cover at blogspot writes about "Headcovering Convention: A Jouney to an Orthodox Monastery".

Among her experiences and photos she relates the following:
My first thought, since it was a monastery and all the women were wearing headcoverings was "Hey, it's a head covering convention!" That's what we used to say back in our Mennonite days when we attended the Annual Conference of the Conservative Mennonites. It's just striking when a large group of people gather and are doing something as unconventional as that.


Be encouraged, oh, unconventional Christian ladies. Be "striking". :)

Various Headcoverings in the News

An officer, a gentlewoman and a Muslim

by JANE ARMSTRONG, October 9, 2008, in the
BURNABY, B.C. -- In her crisp, white shirt, pressed black skirt and white hijab head covering - Canadian Forces Lieutenant Wafa Dabbagh looked every inch the disciplined soldier.

The only part of her appearance that looked out of place was that her shirt wasn't tucked in. As a faithful Muslim woman, Lt. Dabbagh's dress code doesn't permit her to wear tight or form-fitting clothing. And the Canadian Forces is fine with that. Since joining the forces 12 years ago, Lt. Dabbagh said, the Canadian Forces have gone out of their way to accommodate her faith's dress code and dietary restrictions.

Story continues at the title linked above.

Find more information on various religious headcoverings in a recent article found on "Head covering and the freedom of religion", adapted from "Women in Islam Versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition - The Myth and The Reality" by Dr. Sherif Abdel Azim of Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.


Despite Protests City Stands By Inmate Haircut Policy

October 6, 2008, in

Portions of the article follow:

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Members of the Sikh religion and the America Civil Liberties Union marched outside the Duval County Jail Sunday, claiming an inmate's religious rights were violated when he was forced to cut his hair and have his face shaved.

Sikhs said Jagmohan Ahuja, a member of their religion, had his long hair cut his beard and mustache shaved while behind bars.

Ahuja, 36, has been held since April 29 on three misdemeanor charges relating to violation of protective order and violation of probation. According to the jail Web site, he is not eligible for bond.

. . .

On Monday, Channel 4 received the following statement from the city's attorney:

"The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office is committed to respecting and accommodating the religious beliefs of all our inmates population. However, when an inmate's religious practices compromise the safety and security of our corrections facilities, safety and security must take precedence. The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office has a long-standing policy that mandates sentenced male inmates have short hair and wear no head coverings. This policy is consistent with that of many other correctional facilities throughout Florida and the United States. This policy is necessary to assure the safety of all inmates and corrections officers, by limiting an inmate's ability to conceal contraband and/or weapons. This policy has been determined by courts to be lawful. While we fully respect the involved inmate's religious beliefs, the safety and security of our correctional facility must prevail."


ADL Welcomes Army Decision To Protect Jewish Soldier in Wake of Anti-Semitic Assault at Fort Benning

October 6, 2008, in the Anti-Defamation League's

Part of the report follows:

Pvt. 2nd Class Michael Handman was moved to a secure location at Fort Benning, far from the scene of an assault by a fellow soldier that left him hospitalized with a concussion and other injuries. ADL learned of the Army's decision from the soldier's father, who said he now believes the Army is doing a good job keeping Handman safe.

. . .

Two weeks ago, Handman was reportedly subjected to verbal harassment by two officers who demanded he remove his yarmulke -- a head covering worn by devout Jews -- in the dining hall. On September 24, Handman sustained a concussion after he was lured into a laundry room on base and beaten by a fellow soldier.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cute Idea - Hooded Scarf

Came across this online - the Cappuccio Hooded Scarf from (that's Italy). Those who don't cover their heads 24/7 might like to know how to knit this woolen head and neck covering for cold weather -- and if you find out, let me know.

Monday, October 6, 2008

"True Woman 08"

TrueWoman08: Now is the time

Admittedly, I've never heard these ladies speak on Christian headcovering, but they do speak on the differences between men and women in worship and in life, on modesty and submission to others, for example. A Christian Bible based ministry.

Headcovering Bans

"We Have Not Forgotten: Hijab Bans"

October 05 2008, Contributed by: Nicole, to News

Please read this whole thoughtful article, linking hijab bans to culture, tradition, modesty, secularism and racism, at the title linked above. This is the introduction:
Some years ago, I announced with shock and horror, that some French government officials had begun aggressively attempting to ban "religious expressions" in schools, including but not limited to Islamic, Jewish, and Sikh head coverings. The racist and hypocritical laws somehow passed, despite the protests from religious and secular people who believed that the bans should not include clothing worn specifically for the purpose of modesty and/or self defense. A person who wishes to cover themselves for spiritual/psychological reasons is doing so for the same reasons that someone undergoing chemotherapy may cover their head due to hair loss. Wearing modest clothing is not an exclusively religious act, and is in fact, separate from one's religion. Taking off someone's clothes doesn't change their belief system. To force someone to expose their body who may have smooth skin is as much a violation of privacy and right to self defense as to force someone photosensitive or with another skin disease, to expose themselves.

Not to mention, it is impossible, sans actual religious symbols, to definitively say what a person's religion is by how they are dressed. On a hot day, even an atheist may don a scarf. So how in the world will someone decide who can wear what? If a Rastafarian wears a flowing head scarf, is it then okay because she is not Muslim? If a woman is wearing a bonnet, will someone check her to see if she is a Quaker or Amish? If she is, will they decide that she may not wear a bonnet, and her Muslim friend can, since the bonnet isn't viewed as stereotypically Islamic? Since when does racism, and ethnic sterotyping become part and parcel with being secular? Aren't we, as people in western nations, supposed to be getting away from that irrational mentality?

Please read this entire article.


Headcovering bans in France are not geared toward any one group of people, we are reminded. Everyone is included. Read the whole article, "Sarkozy welcomes Sikhs sans turbans", by Tejinder Singh at the EU-India Summit in Marseille, France; 30 September 2008, in A portion follows:

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, at the concluding press conference of the European Union/India Summit in Marseille, France, stood next to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, a Sikh wearing a light blue turban, as he answered this reporter's (Tejinder Singh) question about the wearing of turbans by Sikhs in France. Regarding the required Sikh head covering, an integral part of their religious identity, Sarkozy, replied curtly, "Sir, we respect Sikhs. We respect their customs, their traditions. They are most welcome to France."

Visibly irritated, Sarkozy continued, "But sir, we have rules, rules concerning the neutrality of civil servants, rules concerning secularism, and these rules don't apply only to Sikhs, they apply to Muslims or others. They apply to all on the territory of the French Republic."

The practice by Sikhs of allowing one's hair to grow naturally is a symbol of respect, the most important of the five outward symbols required of all Sikhs, and the turban is worn to cover the uncut hair. Sarkozy explained that the banning of turbans is not discrimination, that, "These rules apply to everybody, to everybody with no exception. There is no discrimination whatsoever."

Making it clear to the Sikh community in France that they have no option other than to conform to the rules, Sarkozy made the paradoxical statement, "We respect their traditions and their customs and we are convinced that they too respect the laws, traditions and customs of the French Republic."


See also these short letters to the editor, regarding French Muslim Students in Catholic Schools, in the