Saturday, August 2, 2008

"The Veil: A Mystical Symbol"

from: Tea at Trianon: The Veil: A Mystical Symbol
. . .

Most people are familiar with the injunction of St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 11: 5,6, 13 for women to wear veils in church. It is interesting, however, to reflect upon other scriptural passages in which persons or things are covered out of reverence for God, beginning in the Old Testament. In ancient times, covering oneself, and especially hiding the face, was a sign of respect and obeisance. . . .


Anonymous said...

covering the face too,hmm. That's interesting, but I don't think most western women or even jewish women are even ready to go down that road, but I guess looking down is equivalent to covering the face.

LisaM at ThoseHeadcoverings said...

Interesting point you make, anon., that "looking down is equivalent to covering the face." Humility/humbleness is a hard thing to grasp sometimes - and modern peoples usually consider themselves free from the need to take that extra physical representation of a step. I suppose covering and personal reasons for doing so is still a step of one's heart that no one on the "outside" of the heart will know.