Thursday, August 7, 2008

Studying Christianity or Living It Out

I came across a verse by verse study of 1 Corinthians 11:2-6, done by a lady who believes that the command for Christian women to cover their heads while praying or prophesying made by the Apostle Paul there was only for that culture. She made a lot of references to the culture of that time, which she did not verify with sources, unfortunately. She did make some interesting points, such as this one, referring to cultures:
"When we visit other countries, or even subcultures in our own country, we need to keep in mind the customs of the societies we’ll be moving about in. Let’s not let our liberty become a cause of reproach either to ourselves, our nation, or especially, to our God. It falls to us to learn what people in the places we’re going to consider to be appropriate and modest and respectful behavior and then to be considerate of local customs as much as we reasonably can, even if we think those customs silly and superficial."
She also concludes: "We can always find a solution if we show love and preference for one another, and that is what the whole head covering thing is about if you distill it down to its most essential form. Do nothing for selfish reasons, but do everything out of love for one another and out of your desire to advance the Kingdom of God."

Some interesting points were then made in a comment reply to this post, of which I only include a part:
. . . As a non-Christian, I find the “picking-and-choosing” to be a great barrier to taking modern Christians seriously. Homosexuality is treated as an eternal ultimate evil, but women staying silent in Church is treated as a historical culture-specific suggestion. The same cultural arguments for the latter apply to the former. We can interpret Paul’s attacks on homosexuality as attacks on the ancient Greek sense of the superiority of homosexuality over heterosexuality, and particularly as an attack on pederasty, rather than as an attack on committed, loving relationships between people of the same gender. That Christians use cultural arguments to excuse things they wish (equality for women), but reject them for groups they dislike (homosexuals) creates exactly the image of hypocrisy that I believe Paul was speaking against. . . .

My editing may change the ideas of the writers, due to context; please read them in their entirety. I am submitting this link with these two viewpoints I found for your consideration:
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 - by CindyinSD at wordpress

1 comment:

Elspeth said...

This might pique your interest: