Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Coverings for Cancer Ideas

"A heady effort"

By Lacie Morrison, Mineral Wells [Texas] Index, September 19, 2008

Please read the full article at the linked title above. This is a portion:

A Fort Worth teenager is getting some local help from businesses in her quest to collect hats and scarves for cancer patients.

Dallas Productions’ Linda Lee said their company had received a letter from 15-year-old Beverly Vallance that “asked us to send a couple of hats. They were trying to get 150 by December.”

The donations from Mineral Wells alone exceeded that goal. Within two weeks, they collected 1,150 caps, hats and scarves to donate.

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“She’s got 1,374 hats, 22 scarves and 50 bandannas from 199 different companies,” Amalou said. She explained that they are collecting scarves and bandannas because some of the older women don’t want to wear baseball caps. The donated hats go to people of all faiths, races and ages who are battling cancer.

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To make donations of new hats, scarves and other types of head coverings, Lee said Double H Tire, located at 316 E. Hubbard St., has agreed to offer their business as a drop-off location. Lee added they intend to collect new hats and head coverings until Dec. 1.

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