Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Translating ancient traditions into modern language"

Translating ancient traditions into modern language - The Pueblo Chieftain: Local Lifestyle:

"I love working with youths. They tend to pose difficult questions." ...

"First out of the bag: "Why should women wear skirts and head coverings at church?" "

GOOD thoughts.  Laws have applications.  Rules have reasons.  God is not random.  People are people.

Includes this nugget:

The last thing you want your attention drawn to when
you come to pray is a nice pair of calves or a sexy hairdo (yes,
men do notice them).

Short article; please read.  :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that it shows the religious reason as to why (I personally) cover and wear long skirts. But honestly, who these days couldn't use a little more modesty! I see way more of people than I ever wanted to!